Online Courses

#658: What To Look For When Hiring A Right Hand Person [Video]

To listen to the full episode and to get the show notes, head here: Every lesson, tip, and strategy I’ve learned from my first year with my CEO.As an entrepreneur, I completely understand that your business is your baby, and you’ve put in a ton of hard work to build it from scratch. So, the thought of handing over some of your responsibilities and bringing in a CEO can be pretty nerve-racking. But trust me, if you want to make a big impact on the world (which I know you do), you have to let others in and delegate those larger leadership roles! That’s why I want to share with you all the lessons, tips, and strategies I’ve learned from my first-year with Jaws, my fabulous CEO. Now, before you think hiring a CEO is years away from where you are now, think again! Whether you’re just starting out or want to make the leap to the next level, this conversation is for you. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – hiring is one of the best decisions you can make for your business! I don’t believe there’s any special prize for doing everything by yourself – it’s okay to ask for help. I promise you’ll get to where you want to go so much faster with the right support! Just imagine the possibilities when you’re free to shine in your zone of genius while your CEO handles the nitty-gritty. Today, you’ll hear about: 3:43: What is an integrator? 4:48: Being mindful of codependency to avoid emotional distractions9:08: How to get super clear on the roles and responsibilities for you and your CEO13:22: Why you have to take a backseat, be a mentor, and let go of your ego 16:11: Tips for developing a healthy relationship with your CEO21:03: The importance of regular and positive communication Listen in for all you need to know about making that big hire. Then, stand back and watch your business take off! If you’re thinking… “I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy,” then please Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts!

Online Courses

#657: Pinterest for Email Growth: Tried & True Strategies with Jenna Kutcher [Video]

To listen to the full episode and to get the show notes, head here: Why Pinterest is the most low-risk way to direct tons of traffic, leads, and sales to your business.Imagine spending just one hour a week, or even less, to unlock unbelievable amounts of traffic, leads, and sales. My friend, it’s all possible when you start to step up your Pinterest game! Pinterest is not your average social media platform, actually, it’s not even social media at all (more on that later!) – it’s a pure ROI goldmine that’s just waiting to be explored. To help guide us through everything Pinterest has to offer, I’m joined by the amazing Jenna Kutcher. Jenna is a multimillion-dollar business owner, New York Times best-selling author, and truly fabulous Pinterest expert. Today, she shares her proven strategies to help you effortlessly generate engagement toward your website, blog, sales page, or wherever your heart desires. And the best part? No constant posting, no social media fatigue, and no more fighting a difficult algorithm. If you’re just getting started in entrepreneurship, feel nervous about showing your face on social media to grow your email list, or you’re still in the side hustle phase of your business, this episode is for you! With Pinterest, you can organically direct a ton of traffic to your company in the most low-risk way possible. You’ll hear all about: 4:18: How Pinterest completely shifted Jenna’s business strategy 6:15: The ways Pinterest is different than social media 10:44: Why you should focus on monthly views on Pinterest, not followers13:00: The anatomy of a perfect pin and the science behind the algorithm 20:41: Tips for reviving an old Pinterest account 23:09: The importance of the captions on your pins30:20: Understanding the trends on Pinterest 34:18: Everything to know about optimizing your pins for traffic and engagement Listen in and see for yourself how easy, doable, and economical it is to grow your email list and your business on Pinterest. Trust me, you’ll love it!If you’re thinking… “I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy,” then please Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts!

Online Courses

#656: How To Normalize Fear & Allow It To Propel You Into Action [Video]

To listen to the full episode and to get the show notes, head here: How I’m working towards making decisions for my business with complete confidence (even if they’re “wrong”).Recently, one of my consultants gave me a massive wake-up call by telling me that I’m making all my decisions from a place of fear. Well, no one wants to hear that! At first, this was really hard for me to take in, and to be honest, I felt a lot of shame. But then I realized he gave me this feedback so I could work through it and be the best version of myself possible! Which is, of course, exactly what I want for you! Now, my sweet friend, fear is one of the most challenging emotions to overcome, especially when you’re faced with making big decisions for your business. Will this hurt someone’s feelings? Is this going to affect my revenue? Am I going to look foolish in front of my team? But I want you to remember that it’s always better to make a million wrong decisions and learn from them than to sit on the sidelines and never take action! Trust me – I’m right there with you in my journey towards having complete confidence in my business decisions. So, in this episode, I share some strategies that have helped me understand the root of my fear, adjust my mindset, and make those brave unapologetic decisions. Today, you’ll hear about: 2:02: A key question to ask yourself when you get self-critical or feel shame 5:26: Advice for unlearning the negative stories we tell ourselves 7:33: How to identify and get to the root of your fear-based decision-making9:19: Why every emotion you feel is completely normal and can be worked on 13:16: Tips for embracing the discomfort and seeing your best results yet!Listen in if you’ve been making decisions based on fear, and give yourself permission to move forward, even if you don’t have all the answers! If you’re thinking… “I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy,” then please Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts!

Online Courses

#654: 5 Female Influencers & Entrepreneurs Who Inspire Me To Be Bolder [Video]

To listen to the full episode and to get the show notes, head here: How these 5 amazing female entrepreneurs are encouraging me to make bolder decisions and take more risks.One of the most beautiful parts of entrepreneurship is the opportunity to connect with so many amazing people from all walks of life with all kinds of perspectives. You might come across someone completely different from you and you don’t necessarily agree with everything they say – but the way they show up in their life and for their business is somehow intriguing and inspiring. My friend, these are the types of people that you can truly learn the MOST from! That’s why, in this episode, I’m doing something a little different – I’m sharing 5 incredible female entrepreneurs and influencers who have made me feel uncomfortable in the best way possible. Because I believe that the most significant growth comes from moments when you’re uncomfortable. Each of these fabulous women are so different from me personality-wise, but they’ve all pushed me to make bolder decisions, take risks, and be an all-around badass entrepreneur. Honestly, what more could you want? In this episode, I highlight: 5:36: How Leila Hormozi embraces vulnerability, boldness, and inspires confidence in others9:32: Lauryn Bosstick’s unapologetic and authentic approach to building a brand, despite being in an industry that can be superficial 13:29: The way Codie Sanchez shares business strategies and real-world examples to help others build businesses 17:21: Reese Witherspoon’s ability to transform her acting career into a successful business model 19:43: The teachings of Dr. Anita Phillips on the importance of embracing and nurturing emotions rather than suppressing them with the help of your community So, listen in and get ready to push yourself to be the best version of yourself you can be! If you’re thinking… “I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy,” then please Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts!

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BONUS: New Gmail & Yahoo Email Authentication Requirements For Online Marketers with Alyssa Dulin [Video]

To listen to the full episode and to get the show notes, head here: An urgent message for anyone who markets their business online – which includes you!I’m here today with a super important bonus episode you literally can’t afford to miss! My friend, if you’re listening to this podcast, I know you’re working incredibly hard to market your business online, so listen up. The email deliverability systems of Gmail and Yahoo are undergoing some major changes. This means your beautifully crafted marketing emails might not be hitting your customer’s inbox! But don’t worry, I’ve called in an expert to help us all stay ahead of the game. My guest, Alyssa Dulin, is the head of deliverability at Convertkit and sends over 2 billion emails a month! So, you can rest assured that we’re in the best hands possible! In this episode, she covers everything you need to know about email deliverability: from what it is and why it’s so crucial to fully understanding the latest changes with Gmail and Yahoo, and most importantly, how you can navigate through all of this without getting sent to “Gmail jail”. (But even if you do, Alyssa has tips for getting out right away!) Today, we discuss: 5:24: Why email deliverability is so important 7:19: Breaking down the major authentication changes happening with Gmail and Yahoo12:46: Tips for reducing the amount of clicks on the new “one-click unsubscribe button” 15:41: How to avoid email spam complaints and tools for “list bombing” prevention 27:43: Steps to take if you get put in “Gmail jail” Listen in, and be sure to implement everything you learn today right now! Your inbox and your business depend on it. If you’re thinking… “I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy,” then please Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts!