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#695: Create Your 9-to-5 Exit Strategy in 5 Simple Steps [Video]

To listen to the full episode and to get the show notes, head here: top 5 tips to successfully leave your corporate job and start your dream business today.You’ve finally taken the courageous leap to quit your 9-5 and start building the business of your dreams? So…what’s next? Well – the very first step is to listen to this episode! I’m not lying when I say that today’s episode is one I wish I had when I left my corporate job and started my own business 15 years ago. I’m lifting the curtain on the most important steps you can take as a first-time entrepreneur that I know will set you and your business up for success right from the start! And these tips aren’t just for newbies. Even if you’re a seasoned pro, you might find yourself listening along and reflecting back on your early days – or you could realize that you might have skipped one or two of these crucial steps!My sweet friend, you’ll hear all the details about why I’m so grateful I started to build a thriving email list early on, how I’ve learned to use all the feedback from my audience, and exactly where I like to reinvest my profit back into my business. Today, I talk about: (3:43) Tips for setting a realistic revenue goal for your first year (instead of trying to make millions!) (5:41) The best ways to connect and learn from your audience (8:07) Why it’s so important to grow and nurture your email list (10:17) How to connect with a community of other entrepreneurs (13:29) Where to reinvest your profit back into your business Listen in and get ready to have the business, freedom, and life you’ve always wanted! The time to start is NOW. If you’re thinking… “I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy,” then please Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts!

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#694: What Your Customer Wants and Can’t Tell You with Melina Palmer [Video]

To listen to the full episode and to get the show notes, head here: human behavior to tweak your sales page and take your marketing to the next level with Melina Palmer.Ever wondered why some people choose to buy and others skip your offer? Well, did you know you can use the science of human behavior to answer that question and completely uplevel your marketing? My friend, understanding how your customers think, communicate, and how they make purchasing decisions is essential for ALL online marketers, digital course creators, and entrepreneurs. Yep – that means you! In this episode, I’m so excited to chat with applied behavioral economist Melina Palmer! She brings the science of human behavior to the world of marketing to help you truly understand your ideal customer and get them to add your offer directly into their cart! Melina has all the answers to your burning questions and shares her simple yet brilliant, actionable strategies for connecting with your customers. Because once you do, you can adjust your sales pages, pricing, and copy to maximize your sales!From identifying exactly what your customer is searching for to reframing your message using data and statistics to make your offers irresistible, this conversation is jam-packed with pure marketing gold! Today, you’ll learn: (3:20) What an applied behavioral economist does (8:26) Actionable strategies you can use to better understand your customers and actually convert(13:54) Tips for reframing and anchoring your messaging to resonate deeper with your potential customer (19:55) Applying human behavior directly to your marketing(29:23) The truth about scarcity, “VIP” offers, and luxury branding (34:01) Deciding whether your business is one of quality or one of value and using it to tweak your marketing and pricing (42:49) Melina’s top advice to immediately improve how you’re connecting with your audience Listen in and apply these tips and tricks to your business right now! You literally can not afford to wait another minute. If you’re thinking… “I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy,” then please Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts!

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#693: The Mid-Year Reset to Help You Hit Your 2024 Revenue Goals [Video]

To listen to the full episode and to get the show notes, head here: behind? Here are 3 quick ways to boost your revenue and get back on track toward your annual goals.Can you believe it? We’re already halfway through the year! Time is absolutely flying my friend, and if you’re feeling those Sunday Scaries about meeting your annual goals, know that you’re not alone. But the good news is you can turn your anxiety into action and start to close the gap between your goals and your actual numbers TODAY!If you’re feeling a bit behind in reaching your annual goals – don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. In this episode, we’re gearing up for the ultimate mid-year business reset! I’m lifting the curtain on three of my favorite tried and true “low-lift” strategies to quickly boost your revenue and get you right back on track toward your goals. Whether you’re way more behind than you had anticipated or just need a little nudge, these tips are designed to help you finish the year out strong.Plus, I reveal my secret go-to tool that keeps me super organized and incredibly focused on my goals all year long. Just imagine ringing in 2025 with a massive sense of accomplishment (and relief!), knowing you’ve hit your target and then some! Today, I discuss: (3:35) Why you need to be paying attention to your numbers (8:33) Leveraging your pre-existing skills to craft a special low-cost offer (10:30) How to design a simple and quick yet high-converting workshop course (13:42) Tips for using affiliate marketing to boost your revenue (17:21) The best way to stay organized and plan for your long-term goalsListen in and remember that whether you’re behind your goal or not, it doesn’t determine your worth! There is still a ton of opportunity to make 2024 your best year yet. If you’re thinking… “I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy,” then please Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts!

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#691: How to Make Money Online: Social Media vs. Email List [Video]

To listen to the full episode and to get the show notes, head here: your email list to connect directly with potential buyers and scale your business.What if I told you that you’re just one email away from boosting your revenue by thousands! My friend, the moment you shift your focus towards growing and nurturing your email list instead of chasing social media followers is the moment when your business will truly take off.I know, I know – I sound like a broken record, but your email list is really THAT important! You might feel like it takes too long, you’ve tried everything, or you would rather focus on your social media. Well if that rings true to you, I’m here today to challenge that mindset and help you recognize the incredible value of email list marketing.In this episode, I share all the reasons why your email list should take center stage over your social media followers. While social media is great for organic marketing, having a large following doesn’t always translate into revenue. Your email list is your direct line to your audience of buyers where you get to make a bigger impact on the market all while scaling your unstoppable business! Honestly – what more could you ask for?!Today, I talk about: (5:51) Proof that email lists are more effective for scaling your business than having social media followers(10:01) The surprising difference in conversion rates between social media marketing and email marketing (13:17) Real-life examples of when email marketing made thousands for my business(19:09) Why a revenue boost is always just one email away(20:46) Tips for staying consistent, putting in the effort, and having a direct relationship with your audience Listen in because when you have a thriving email list, you have the power to strengthen your client relationships, provide massive value, and sell your offer like never before. If you’re thinking… “I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy,” then please Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts!

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BONUS: Dream Bigger, Fail Harder with Uncle Nearest Founder & CEO, Fawn Weaver [Video]

To listen to the full episode and to get the show notes, head here: your confidence, launching your wealth, and leading your business to the top.My friend, are you ready for some real-deal inspiration as strong and delicious as Uncle Nearest whiskey? I know I am! Today, I am joined once again by the fabulous Jasmine Star to bring you another powerhouse conversation. And trust me, you’ll want to listen to this one on repeat. We have the incredible Fawn Weaver, CEO of the award-winning Uncle Nearest whiskey brand, in the room with us for this episode. She is an absolute force and one of six Black women in America to found and lead a $1 billion company! But today, we’re not just talking about her whiskey – Fawn is here to share her brilliant entrepreneurial insights and show you how to apply them directly to your growing business. Fawn’s journey from homelessness to building an empire is beyond inspiring, and lucky for you, she is all about sharing her success secrets in real time! You get a front row seat to her wisdom on overcoming barriers as a Black woman in business, embracing your confidence, building extreme wealth, and being a rockstar leader for your team. I’m telling you – you’re going to walk away today feeling unbelievably energized and ready to take on the world! And if all of that isn’t enough, you’ll get an inside look at the brilliant marketing strategies that launched her small business to the very top. In this episode, we discuss: (5:42) The importance of owning your real estate – both online and physical (23:24) Understanding the history and African influence on Tennessee whiskey and the story behind Uncle Nearest (29:06) Practical tips to start raising serious money for your business as a woman or person of color (34:29) How Fawn recovered when her bank account was negative $1.4 million(42:25) Advice for owning a room, embodying your confidence, and standing strong in your identity (48:28) The most effective way to make your smaller brand stand out amongst the biggest companies (52:46) Fawn’s top marketing strategies to drive sales and scale your business super quickly Listen in and soak up all of the advice from a woman who has truly reshaped the business world. Cheers!If you’re thinking… “I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy,” then please Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts!

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#690: The Lead Magnet Playbook: A Step-By-Step Guide for Creating Lead Magnets That Convert [Video]

To listen to the full episode and to get the show notes, head here: an irresistible lead magnet to grow your email list and scale your business.Let me tell you – I would never have built the amazing business I have today without my incredible email list. If you’re not prioritizing your email list right now, my friend, consider this your sign to do it! Why you may ask? Well, these days, social media just isn’t enough – you absolutely need a thriving email list to scale your business. And one of the best ways to build an email list is by having a powerful lead magnet! In this episode, I share (literally!) each and every tip, trick, and actionable strategy I have for creating lead magnets that your ideal customers won’t be able to resist. Trust me – you’re gonna want to get out a pen and paper! Basically, a lead magnet is a free offer or resource that you give to your audience in exchange for their email. Once you have that info, you’re on your way to building an email list that practically sells for you! Today, I walk you through every single step, from coming up with ideas to designing to promoting your lead magnet. Seriously, these have been a total game-changer for my business, and of course, I want the exact same for you! In this episode, you’ll learn: (5:48) A few simple questions to ask yourself to help you decide on a topic for your lead magnet (11:39) The most common and effective types of lead magnets (26:14) My top strategies to keep in mind when creating your lead magnet (32:22) The best and easiest ways to design your lead magnet (no graphic design skills needed!) (35:59) How to optimize your landing page and your thank you page (41:22) Tips for choosing a landing page URL and integrating it into your email service provider (44:39) Why you need to get peer reviews and feedback on your lead magnet (46:53) Resources for promoting your lead magnet – even if you don’t have a website yet To help you determine the topic of your lead magnet, there are a few simple questions you can ask yourself. Remember…the purpose of your lead magnet is to help your ICA solve an immediate problem or pain point!#1: What is the best place to start the conversation with your ICA?#2: What is the number one question you get asked all the time?#3: What topic do you feel like you could talk about for hours on end?#4: What should your ICA be asking you that they are not asking yet?$5: What is your ICA most afraid of?#6: What could help your ICA right this minute?#7: What is something your ICA isn’t expecting from you, yet if you offered it for free, it would knock their socks off?#8: How can you get your ICA unstuck or out of overwhelm?#9 What are your ICA’s biggest pain points and/or desires? What would help ease their pain or help fulfill a desire?#10: What does my ICA need to understand, be aware of or believe, in order to want or need my program, product, or service?If you’re thinking… “I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy,” then please Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts!

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#689: Incentives That Work: How To Build A Culture Of Excellence In Your Small Business [Video]

To listen to the full episode and to get the show notes, head here: Promoting a work environment where your team feels supported, encouraged, and motivated to grow your business.Picture this: You – leading a brilliant team that not only meets every expectation you set but exceeds them AND they do it all without feeling overwhelmed or burnt out. Sign me up! While I’m not perfect, I honestly believe that my fabulous team has cracked the code for creating and fostering a culture of growth and excellence for every single member of our team. My friend, as business owners, our success is directly tied to the performance of our team members. That’s why we need to make sure they feel extremely supported, encouraged, and motivated to put their best foot forward each and every day. From creating incentives to giving consistent recognition and implementing a game plan to prevent burnout – my team has tried it all! So, in this episode, I share exactly how we do it so you can apply it directly to your thriving business.But what if you don’t have a team?! Trust me – whether you only have one other team member, a virtual assistant, or a small team of contractors, these strategies can be applied in so many different ways. Today, you’ll hear about: (4:20) How we structure our annual bonuses for each team member (7:34) Why we have a four-day work week, the holidays we take off, and the value of unlimited PTO(14:09) The importance of understanding what motivates and lights up your team (15:25) Tips for encouraging your team to perform without pushing them too hard or creating burnout (19:49) Advice for promoting a supportive and appreciative work environment Listen in and take these strategies to your team today! I promise you – your team and your business will uplevel in no time! If you’re thinking… “I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy,” then please Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts!

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#687: Calm Amidst Chaos: How To Keep Calm When Things Go Wrong [Video]

To listen to the full episode and to get the show notes, head here: How to avoid having “desperate energy”, making frantic decisions, and being in complete panic mode in your business. If I had to guess, I would say that you’ve experienced moments in your entrepreneurship journey where things just didn’t go as planned. You know, those launches that don’t take off, promos that fail to convert, or your email list subscribers that keep going away? It’s incredibly frustrating, and you may be tempted to move on to the next project or pick up the pieces immediately. But hold on! Before you do that, I need you to listen to this episode! It’s completely natural to feel a sense of desperation when things don’t go your way, but I’m telling you my friend, you really don’t want to get caught up in what I call “desperate energy.” This energy can cause you to panic and frantically scramble to find a solution without making a second thought, and it’s so not helpful for your business! Oh, and I’ve been guilty of this myself, and even my brilliant CEO called me out about it a few months ago. So I know that people don’t want to work with someone who has this habit! In today’s episode, I share my top advice for avoiding making frantic and desperate decisions for your business when things aren’t going according to plan. In this episode, I talk about: 3:05: What “desperate energy” really means for your business 4:05: My experience with having desperate energy when I’m stressed out 7:23: Practical strategies for closing revenue gaps in your business to avoid making frantic decisions 11:02: Why you need to stay cool, calm, and confident in your interactions and relationships Listen in and embrace these tips! I promise you’ll stay cool, calm, and confident in all of your interactions and relationships. If you’re thinking… “I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy,” then please Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts!

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#685: The #1 Thing You Can Do As An Entrepreneur To Avoid Burnout [Video]

To listen to the full episode and to get the show notes, head here: Turning your FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) into JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out) so you never feel burnt out again.Ever feel like you’re just stretched way too thin? Oh, I know I have! As entrepreneurs, it’s so incredibly easy to become overextended. We all want to grab every opportunity that comes our way, take on every task, and say yes to every chance we can for more exposure. Trust me my sweet friend, saying yes to everything might seem like the right thing to do at first, but it’s a super slippery slope. Early in my entrepreneurial journey, I used to take every single opportunity I was given because of the fear that I might miss out on something. That’s right – I was feeling the dreaded FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). But, I would get SO burnt out SO quickly! That is, until I eventually realized that most of the things I was doing weren’t actually in service of my long-term goals as a business owner. So, in this episode, I’m here to share my biggest pieces of advice for avoiding burnout, open up about my experiences with it (so you can learn from them, of course!), and share my tips and tricks for prioritizing what’s truly most important to you and your business. Today, you’ll hear about: 2:27: The importance of setting goals for your business and how I set my quarterly and yearly goals 4:06: Advice for knowing when to say “no” to opportunities 9:36: Why you need to get super clear on the season you’re in, your values, and your priorities 11:13: Questions to ask yourself that will help define exactly what you want Listen and get ready to turn that FOMO into JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out)! If you’re thinking… “I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy,” then please Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts!

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#684: Online Operations Playbook: Key Strategies for Success from My Team [Video]

To listen to the full episode and to get the show notes, head here: Streamline your business operations, prevent costly mistakes, and scale faster than you ever thought possible. One of my favorite compliments we get for our business is when people say, “Your business runs like a well-oiled machine!” It’s such a great feeling knowing that all the hard work is paying off and my customers are noticing. The secret? My fantastic Operations Department! They have streamlined everything for the business, saved my team valuable time, prevented costly mistakes, and helped me scale quicker than ever before. Which is why, in this episode, I’m so excited to introduce you to my brilliant Ops Department – a dynamic duo who makes everything behind the scenes flow seamlessly. They work on everything from legal and HR to launches, budget structuring, and event management – the list goes on! They’ve shared the five key strategies they use to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and bring my mission and core values to life! Now my friend, I know that not everyone has (or needs) an entire Ops team like I do, but don’t worry – these strategies apply to every entrepreneur and every business, no matter how big or small. Whether you’re working alone or with a team, these tips are guaranteed to help you work smarter, faster, and with less stress. Today, you’ll hear about: 7:14: My team’s step-by-step process for streamlining our business operations through standard operating procedures (SOPs) 17:50: Tips and tricks for leveraging AI to improve SOPs 20:39: How to create a comprehensive spreadsheet/“Program at a Glance” (PAG) for your virtual events 27:11: Why you need a quarterly tool audit to look at value and consolidate your work 29:04: My Ops team’s simple three stage process for mastering interviews Listen in and learn how to streamline your business operations and transform your hustle into a well-oiled machine. If you’re thinking… “I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy,” then please Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts!

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BONUS: Go Against The Grain To Grow Your Business with Gary Vaynerchuk [Video]

To listen to the full episode and to get the show notes, head here: against the grain in entrepreneurship, mastering social media marketing, and watching your online business take off with Gary Vee and Jasmine Star.If you’ve been putting in the work to grow your amazing online business, you’ve probably stumbled across the name Gary Vaynerchuk (or Gary Vee!) a time or two. And if you’ve been working on showing up authentically as an entrepreneur, you’ve absolutely heard of my dear friend, Jasmine Star. Well, today is your lucky day because they’re both here to share some game-changing wisdom on going against the grain in entrepreneurship and having the confidence to take huge risks for growth. Gary’s unbelievable new book, “Day Trading Attention: How to Actually Build Brand and Sales in the New Social Media World” is just about to hit shelves, and this episode gives you a sneak peek into its brilliance. Think of it like a roadmap for navigating the world of online marketing, content creation, and brand building. Listen, I could rave forever about this book, but in this episode, we’re diving into super simple, detailed, and actionable strategies for using social media to grow your business. Now, social media has grown a lot in recent years, and I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with it. But Gary has been a fantastic resource as I’ve learned to master social media platforms and become more comfortable posting authentically. Ready to take your business to the next level? Spoiler alert: you’ve got to think outside the box, have complete courage, and take unconventional approaches. It’s all about getting in the dirt of entrepreneurship and learning to love it, my friends! Today, you’ll hear about: (9:20) How going against the grain has helped Gary build his business and his advice for anyone who needs the courage to be unconventional (16:13) Why you need to embrace and respect “the dirt” of entrepreneurship for long-term success(21:57) Understanding the three movements in social media: algorithmic, interest-based, and personalized content (29:09) Overcoming insecurities and fear of regret so you don’t miss out on opportunities (33:14) Gary’s top three actionable strategies for launching your business with social media and ads(42:52) Mindset shifts for showing up as your full, confident, and non-judgemental self (48:12) A sneak peak into the amazing practical tips you will find in Gary’s book (55:06) The importance of finding your niche and creating content that is fun to resonate with your audience If you’re thinking… “I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy,” then please Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts!

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#678: Building a Digital Empire: Expert Insights from Nathan Chan of Foundr Magazine [Video]

To listen to the full episode and to get the show notes, head here: the art of interviewing, optimizing your online marketing, and scaling your business in record time with Nathan Chan.Let me ask you something – have you ever listened to a podcast episode or live speech that left you so incredibly inspired and motivated that you felt like you could take on the world? Well, that’s exactly how I feel every single time I listen to my guest today speak! I’m not exaggerating when I say that today’s episode is one of my absolute favorites to date! Trust me my friend, as a business owner, you’re going to be absolutely obsessed with the amount of wisdom that this conversation holds. I’m talking about the one and only Nathan Chan, the genius entrepreneur behind Foundr. Nathan started Foundr as a small digital magazine, and it quickly became one of the most valuable tools with so many fantastic resources made specifically for entrepreneurs like you and me. In this episode, Nathan lifts the curtain on all the highs and lows he experienced while building his amazing brand. From resilience to creativity to a passionate pursuit of his vision, Nathan’s journey is truly a mini-masterclass in entrepreneurship. The best part? He’s an incredible interviewer who has interviewed over 100 billionaires! And lucky for you, he also shares his tips and tricks for mastering these high-level interviews. Today, you’ll hear about: 5:16: Why Nathan started Foundr and how he overcame his biggest challenges 14:31: How to make money, expand, and diversify with a digital magazine 21:00: All of the lessons learned from Nathan’s brilliant podcast guests 30:15: Tips and tricks for finding a perfect product-market fit 34:31: Why the most successful founders aren’t afraid of messiness or obsession37:32: Nathan’s expert advice for crafting the perfect interview 41:03: The most needle-moving strategies for your online marketing Listen in and then listen in again to really soak up all the juicy insights and take some notes! I promise you – it’s that good.If you’re thinking… “I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy,” then please Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts!