
Be aware of this when starting a business… [Video]

Be aware of this when starting a business…

Understanding the J Curve in Business

When starting a business, it’s crucial to understand the concept of the J curve. This curve represents the initial phase where you spend a lot of money before you start making any. For instance, a restaurant requires significant investment in setup before serving the first customer. Similarly, a product-based business needs substantial capital to produce enough inventory for global distribution before making any sales.

If you’re not ready to risk a large amount of capital, it’s wise to avoid ventures with steep J curves.

Knowing this can help you plan better and manage your finances more effectively.

#entrepreneur #business #startup #Jcurve #financialplanning

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Search Engine Rewind 2024 [Video]

You might be leaving thousands (or even millions) on the table. Let’s change that. Want my team of digital marketing professionals to do your marketing for you? Click here to get a strategy call: to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: more on my blog:


AI-Generated Search Results Are Taking Over Google In The U.S. [Video]

AI Overview is just a taste of what’s to come when it comes to AI’s impact on Google search. There are two ways to adapt to Google’s new SERP layout:👉 Optimize your content so it has a better chance of being visible in the AI Overview.👉 Run paid ads since they are displayed above the AI overview (for now).If paid ads are a path your business wants to take, you have to know how to market those ads to be profitable - this requires more than tweaks to your ad copy and creatives - it requires a paid ad strategy overhaul! Join @Neil Patel on his next webinar on June 17th at 8 am PST if you want to be shown the exact strategy to take your paid ads from duds to studs, even in the AI-dominant Google search landscape 🙌 Just click the link below to save your seat! 💺