
“The WNBA Gender Pay Gap is a Myth!” | [Video]

“The WNBA Gender Pay Gap is a Myth!” | From the WNBA Commissioner herself, the problem is marketing

Whenever the WNBA and NBA is brought up together, the compensation disparity and the gender pay gap questions arise.

The talent is there in both leagues, but it's fair to wonder if the NBA is invested in making the WNBA a profitable business, if the business strategy and marketing needs fixing or if there is anything marketable or worth branding in the league today.

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Understanding Your 'Why': The Motivation Behind Starting A Business [Video]

When you start a project, do you stop to think about the reason?Your "why" should drive your motivation and keep you focused on your goals during difficult times. Knowing your "why" can help you create a clear vision for your business and make strategic decisions that align with your purpose.Learn more at: #TSPITR #SelfHelpBook