
The Builder of Brands Like Warby Parker Isn’t Finished Yet [Video]

With their marketing agency Gin Lane, Emmett Shine and his team helped create the branding for some of the buzziest direct-to-consumer products of the last decade, including Hims and Hers, Harry’s, Sweetgreen and Recess.

But not long ago, Shine shuttered Gin Lane, named for a street where he grew up in Southampton, N.Y., and with that existing team he built Pattern Brands, a consumer goods company. His first product, Equal Parts, is a cookware brand.

Having grown up near the ocean, Shine has an analogy for his business pivot: “We set up a new home. Like hermit crabs, we saw a new shell, and then we crawled out of our Gin Lane shell and into our Pattern Brands shell,” he tells Ian Wishingrad in this week’s episode of I’m With the Brand.

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The Business Branding Tips You Need [Video]

One strategy for setting your company apart from its rivals is establishing a brand name. It is how your clients recognise and communicate with your company. Your brand's power should be shown in everything, including customer service practices, promotional goods, clothes, geographic area, marketing materials, business cards, custom stickers from