
Neil Patel’s Double-Your-Traffic Master Class [Video]

Right now, there are over a billion blogs on the internet – roughly one for every seven people.That means competition is steep, and if you want to keep your page alive and thriving, you can’t afford to be like every other site out there.But if you’re like most entrepreneurs or business people, you don’t have a ton of time to devote to writing blog posts or monitoring long-term traffic campaigns.(Especially not with Google algorithms and SEO trends that change every few weeks.)And that’s why I’m launching my Master Class.I have three brand-new tactics that can push your site to the top of the rankings in less than a week.Each Tactic Will Take You a Max of 30 Minutes – If Not Less.First, I’ll show you a simple drag-and-drop technique that got me to number one on Google in just four days. Once you put it to work, it could get you an extra 20,000 visitors a month.Second, I’ll show you how to take an enterprise-level strategy and add it to your site. Major Fortune 1000 companies are already using it to get millions of free visitors every month, and I know it can have the same massive impact for you.Third, I’ll show you my absolute favorite site hack. It can literally increase your traffic by 50% just by adding seven characters into your site’s metadata.If You Do These Three Tactics Right, I’m Guaranteeing You Can Double Your Traffic within 5 Days.I’m here to show you what these tactics are. And I’m going to walk you through them step by step during the Double-Your-Traffic event.


A Minimalist’s Approach to SEO: The Only 3 Things You Should do Every Week To Get Traffic [Video]

There are over 200 factors in Google’s algorithm. Wouldn’t it be great if you could rank higher on Google without learning each of those factors? Today I’m going to break down a minimalist approach to SEO. The only three things you should do every week to get traffic.RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________Ubersuggest: you’re overwhelmed and don’t have lots of time to invest, it’s important to know where to focus your efforts. Sure, it would be great to do everything, but that’s not always realistic. And instead of doing everything that you read online about SEO, let’s see the activities that will produce the most impact on your business. So number one, optimizing existing content. Now optimizing existing content is all about finding new keywords, sitting on page two and three and optimizing for them. What you also want to end up doing is going to Google Search Console, and then looking to see which pages are getting the most impressions, but the least amount of clicks. And within there, you want to click on those pages and look to see which keywords are getting a lot of impressions that are on page two or bottom of page one that you may not be talking about too much within your content. And then what you want to do is update the content to include those keywords. You may also want to include those keywords within your title tag and your meta description. The next thing when it comes to updating content is deleting your underperforming content. See, just because you write content and you generate a lot of links to it, it doesn’t mean that it’s a good piece of content. It doesn’t mean that it’s going to rank. It doesn’t mean that it’s going to get social shares. Just some content, even though people link to it, they just don’t care to read about it. And that’s the harsh reality of content marketing.The next thing when it comes to updating content is consolidating content. When we’re also talking about updating content, I also want to discuss refreshing content that brings traffic to your website. There’s a lot of content that is already doing well and is generating traffic on your site. But what you’ll find is when you log to Google Search Console, some of these articles will drop in traffic over time, or they’ll continually rise. Also, if your article’s continually doing well, what are the cures that are driving you this increase in traffic? What could you do to even make it more related to those cures and better so that way you can get even more traffic? Now, the next tactic that I want you to focus on is doing competitive analysis to guide your content efforts. Here’s what I mean by this, right? So we already discussed updating content. Now, when we’re talking about competitive analysis.So what I want you to do is head over to Ubersuggest, and I want you to type in your domain. Now, when you type in your domain, you’ll get a report of your top pages, your traffic, the keywords you’re ranking for, but you’ll also see in the left hand navigation, an option to look at competing domains. So you want to end up looking at all the other sites that are similar to you. And what this Ubersuggest report does is it shows you all the similar keywords that you rank for, that other people also rank for. And it also shows you the keyword gaps.This report breaks down their most popular pages from top to bottom. It shows you who’s linking to them and it shows you those keywords that each of those top pages are ranking for. This will also give you new content ideas in case you don’t cover any of the topics that they’re generating a lot of traffic for that you’re not generating any traffic for. And this will give you ideas of what type of content to create. Now let’s talk about creating new content. Content clusters around keywords that your website has the potential to rank for. That’s what I mean. So if you go back to Ubersuggest, you type in a keyword, let’s say I go after SEO. In Ubersuggest in the keyword ideas report, there’s actually an option where you can actually put in your domain name and it’ll adjust the keywords that you have the ability to rank for. So once you put in your domain name, Ubersuggest will then filter the results. So you want keywords you can rank for that are going to be much easier and those are the ones that you should start creating content around and create content clusters. If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: Instagram: #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing


The ONLY Features You Need to Use in SEO Tools [Video]

Are you getting overwhelmed with your SEO reports and all the tools? There are so many out there. Well, don’t worry. You’re not alone. Today, I’m going to break down the only features you need to use in SEO tools.Don’t get bogged down by reports and features and tools. That do very little to actually get you more rankings. I’m going to break down four main features and reports that you need to rank higher. And here’s best of all, you can do pretty much all of this in Ubersuggest. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________Ubersuggest: can find it in, or just go to And you can do literally most of this stuff for free in Ubersuggest. That’s what’s great. So in that sense, we’ll go down the four main features you need to use and how you can do it for free. So, let’s dive right in. Number one, Rank Tracking, Look, on Google, if you don’t know what your rankings are, if they’re going up or if they’re going down, or how things are improving or declining, how are you going to improve? Those things are really important, right? Be here’s the thing with SEO, it’s a long game.And Rank Tracking shows you that, and it can track your rankings on a daily basis and a weekly basis, whatever you prefer. And you can even track your rankings on mobile devices and desktop. You can do the all in Ubersuggest for free. And what’s cool about that is that way you can see how you’re performing on different device types. And it tells you when you’re doing SEO, what’s working and what isn’t. The second thing that you need to look at with these SEO tools is Competitive Analysis. Competitive Analysis tells you what your competitors are doing and what’s working for them. Look, you don’t want to recreate the wheel. You want to do what’s working for others, and just do it better. Why start from scratch?And what’s cool is, you can see the keywords by clicking on the Keywords button and you’ll see all the keywords that that page ranked for. And that’ll tell you, hey, should I also create a page that’s very similar. Well, if I do, now I know what keywords to go after because it’s related to my business and it can also drive me sales. And another cool feature is you can also see all the backlinks that are driven to that page. All the other sites that are link into your competitor’s page. Because here’s the thing, if someone wants to link to your competitor, they’re probably willing to link to you too. So now, you got a list of links going to your competitors. So, you can create a better page than that’s more thorough, go after all their keywords, and you can also hit up all the people linking to them and ask them to link to you too. The other cool thing that I like about the Competitive Analysis report on Ubersuggest, you can see how much traffic your competitors getting. If they’re getting more traffic month over month or less traffic month over month, because Google is doing so many updates.The third report that you need to look at and feature within these SEO tools is Keyword Ideas. Now, the Keyword Ideas report in Ubersuggest gives you all these ideas that you can go after. So, you want to go after popular keywords. And what’s cool about the Ubersuggest Keyword Ideas report, you can actually filter it by some any region, such as United States or Canada, or UK, or India, or Brazil, or even South Korea. And within the Keyword Ideas report in Ubersuggest, there’s also a Content Ideas report. What that’ll show you all the content that you can write about that are related to those keywords. So, you can see what’s popular on Facebook, what’s popular on Pinterest, what’s popular from the backlinks perspective, and what’s even popular from an organic SEO perspective. The last factor, and this is number four, is Backlinks. If you don’t get people linking to you, you’re not going to do well. Backlinks are like votes. So, you want to get ideally bigger sites linking to you and more relevant sites. And you can use the Backlinks report within Ubersuggest. And what’s cool is they have a Backlink Opportunity report more specifically, where you can put in your URL and then your competitor URLs. And it’ll show you all the people that linked to your competitors, but don’t link to you. Because if someone links to not just one but two, three, four of your competitors and they don’t link to you, the chances are they don’t mind linking to other people in your space because they’re already linked to lots of your competitors. If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: Instagram: #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing


Advice Every Online Business Owner Should’ve Heard Before Starting SEO [Video]

SEO’s great, but before you really invest a lot into it, there’s something you should know. Today I’m going to break up advice every online business owner should hear before starting SEO. Look, SEO’s long-term. You need other traffic sources to make money before you succeed with SEO. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________CodeCanyon:, let’s go over what you need to generate sales now, which will make you cash so you can then take that cash and invest in SEO. It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t start doing SEO right now because in the future, is one of the highest ROI marketing channels out there. But still you need to start doing stuff right now to generate those sales because you can’t wait six months, or a year, or two years depending on the keywords you’re going after to really get the results. First, you need to learn how to convert visitors into buyers. If you can’t convert visitors into buyers, then it doesn’t matter how much traffic you get. And if you can’t get your conversion rate high enough, the economics won’t work out, especially with paid advertising because the costs are continually rising, especially after COVID. You don’t really need a billion dollars for engineering when you’re a startup, but you do need it to scale your sales and marketing. And you need to have a conversion funnel with upsells and downsells. That’s how you get the most out of your revenue. The upsells and downsells, the key with that is speed and automation. And as long as you’re producing results, people gladly take you off those upsells and downsells. Second thing that you need to know. Search engines give older websites more authority and more placement. Now there’s no guarantee that if you’re older website, you have more authority in your website because you could be a brand new hot website that every wants a link to it talk about, but that’s usually not the case. Typically the older sites have much more authority. And no matter how much money you have, you can’t easily buy that age. You just have to be patient. And that’s the thing with SEO. It is super effective. The ROI is massive and that’s why we have one of the fastest 500 growing companies according to “E Magazine”, because SEO works for customers and our results are proven.Third don’t take short-term gains for long-term losses.So doing what’s best for your customers wins in the long run. Fourth, create a better mouse trap, as marketing is becoming too expensive. Look, I’m a marketer and I’m telling you, it’s just going to keep going up and up. So you’ve got to figure out a better mouse trap. And you can do some things that are very similar to sites like CodeCanyon that can help you put tools on your website, which can help you get traffic and you’d give away stuff for free, and you can buy some of these tools for 10, 20, 30, $40. They’re not going to be as good as what Zillow did or what I did, but it’s a start. And then over time you can invest more money to making it better. If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: Instagram: #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing