
This is What Will Happen with Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok Whether You Like it Or Not [Video]

This is what will happen with Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok whether you like it or not. When Snapchat hit the market, it was a great success. So successful that Instagram started to copy some of their features. And it made Instagram even more popular. Snapchat, still today, is a success. But a lot of people have their features. And Instagram has grown into a large corporation now. So much that it’s said that it’s estimated to be worth over $100 billion according to EarthWeb. Now, of course, Instagram’s, you know, owned by Facebook. But still, that’s a large chunk of Facebook’s market cap. Eventually, TikTok came out and people started to do the same with them. They started to copy TikTok’s features. Just look at YouTube Shorts. It’s similar to TikTok. According to Statista, YouTube shorts has over 30 billion, with a B, monthly views. That’s a lot of views. Do you see a pattern here? Everyone is copying each other. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________SurveyMonkey: something is working for your competitors and you aren’t doing it, you are going to lose market share and business. Here’s what I want you to do with your company when someone is out innovating you. First, I want you to look at what they’re doing. What’s causing their growth? Copy it. You can figure out what’s working for them by using tools like Ubersuggest. There’s also a similar web out there as well. And it tells you, “Hey, here’s what your competitor’s doing. Here’s where they’re getting all their traffic. Here’s what’s working. Here’s what’s not.” And you can also survey your audience and figure out what they like about your competition. You can use tools like SurveyMonkey to perform this and it’ll tell you, “Hey, this is overall feedback.” Some people give you random stuff. Some people will give you great feedback. But when you survey, not 10, but 30, 40, 50, 60 people, even 100, you’ll start noticing patterns. And look for the patterns and that’s what you should focus on first. Second, I want you to hire better talent. Not saying that your team isn’t great, but you can always have better talent. Go on LinkedIn and see who works for some of your competitors. Who are they using that’s outshining you, right? Look at the competitors that are growing faster than you, have those amazing features or products that you don’t have. They must have some amazing talent. You just got to go find them. So go on LinkedIn, look at their employees. Look at what business units that they’re in charge of, the products or the services that you’re trying to copy. Look to see their work history. If they have continually gotten promotions and they stay at companies for a while, those are good people.Third, start experimenting. Copying your competition is one thing. But if you really want to win, you have to one up them. The one way to beat them is to start experimenting. There’s no guarantee that something works the way you want. And sometimes when you think something won’t work out, in many cases it does. That’s why you want to run at least one experiment a month, and ideally, one a week. Over time, you’ll learn how to create a better product or service, and even win over your competition. And when you’re running these experiments, don’t get demotivated from the failures. Just keep in mind the more you fail, eventually you’ll go down a path that leads you down the right way and helps you win. Now, I know with this strategy you probably don’t like hearing that “Hey, if your competition’s doing something you’re not doing, you got to start learning how to copy, execute faster, or one up then by making whatever you copy better than them.” But it’s the reality. If you say, “Hey, I’m not interested in copying my competitor’s products or features,” like how Google may try or Apple or Facebook may try. You think Apple’s Cloud storage was new? Dropbox was doing amazing job, but Apple came out. They got iCloud, started eating into their market cap. And when I say copy, it doesn’t mean it has to be pixel for pixel copycat of what they’re doing. It’s idea. It’s a strategy. You need to figure out how it can tie into your business, how it can fit with your customers, and how you need to mold that product or service or strategy or feature to fit your audience. And that may not look identical to your competition. That’s what I mean by copy. If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: Instagram: #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing


5 Quick Ways to Improve Your SEO Rankings [Video]

SEO is all about the long game, slow and steady wins the race. At our agency, NP Digital, clients stick around with us for years, in our enterprise division, we’re keeping clients for five plus year, that’s a long time. Eventually, we’ll probably start keeping enterprise clients for over seven years, but keep in mind, we’re a newer agency. So even though SEO is a slow and steady game, it works, but do you really have to wait that long to get the results that you want? The answer is no. There are quick ways to get results, maybe not all the results you want, but you can get immediate results. So let’s break down five tactics to get you quicker results. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________Google Search Console: number one, find almost ranking phrases. The more keyword that you rank on page one for, the better off you are, because no one really goes to page two. Majority of the traffic’s on page one, and ideally at the top of page one. Did you know that you can find all the terms that you’re raking somewhat well for, and quickly optimize those, so that way you can just pop up to page one? I want you to log to Google Search Console, click on search results, then click on average position, and then scroll down and click on pages.But when you add those terms within those areas that I just mentioned, your title tags, your content, your URL, it can quickly boost your rankings. Now, keep in mind if you change your URL, you got to do a 301 redirect from your old URL to your new URL, and you got to adjust all your old internal links to make sure they’re going directly to the new URL. Way number two, add a free tool to your website. I added a free tool called Ubersuggest to my website. It increased my backlink count by 24,453 referring domains. The more links you have, the higher you will rank over time. And here’s a cool thing, you can do this same exact thing to your website. You don’t have to build a tool from scratch like me either, you can just add one to your website for 10, or even 15 or $20. All you have to do is go to a site called CodeCanyon where you combine a tool within your industry and just purchase it, and you can just put it on your website. You of course won’t generate as many backlinks that I generated through Ubersuggest because I built a custom tool, but over time, as you’re getting results from using tools let’s say from CodeCanyon, or wherever else you can find them on the web, eventually as it starts getting traction, your rankings increase, you start generating more money, then you can invest the time and resources and money to build your own custom tools. Way number three, add internal links. You publish new content all the time, right? Well if you don’t, you should start doing so, but if your new content doesn’t have backlinks, it won’t rank well. Now links take a while to get, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t get results. One quick hack is to go into your older articles and modify it. Within your older articles, add a few links to your newly published articles. This way, your new content starts ranking higher, faster. As a general rule of thumb, only modify old articles that are related to the new one. You don’t want to add internal links unless it makes sense.Way number four, optimize your meta tags for higher ranking. You don’t have to bill links to rank higher, you can just adjust your meta tags, from your title tag to your meta description, and even as a bonus, optimize your URLs.Way number five, content is king, so write it in half the time. Look, if you can write your content half the time, in theory, you can produce more, maybe double the amount of content, and generate even more traffic. The caveat here is though the quality needs to be great, not up to par, but great, better than up to par. On Ubersuggest, we have an AI writer that helps you write content. It won’t fully write the content for you, but it starts you off and helps you optimize for the right keywords. From there, you can modify it and create a masterpiece in half the time. So head on over to Ubersuggest, go to the lab section, and click on AI writer. From there, put in a keyword that you want your article to be about. For this example, I selected marketing, then select the title that works for you, then select a meta description, then select a few headings, and boom, you’ll have article in seconds. If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: Instagram: #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing


Marketing 101: Episode 2 – “Branding” [Video]

Recognition is the key to familiarity and trust.Branding uses storytelling and design to bring your brand to life and make it recognizable and approachable for new and existing customers. Mrkt360 is a Digital Marketing Company in Toronto, Canada. We offer copywriting, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Ad campaign and social media management services and more. If you want to drive traffic to your site, rank higher on Google and boost your brand’s online presence and performance, you can schedule a free consultation with one of our certified experts today!Visit our website: for more information.Follow us on our social media platforms!Facebook:​​Twitter:​​TikTok: to Mrkt360 for more digital marketing content!#DigitalMarketing #OnlineMarketing #SocialMediaManagement #AdCampaigns #SEO #SEOranking #MarketingTips #Copywriting #Content


A Better Way to Advertise on YouTube [Video]

YouTube is the second most popular site on the web according to Similarweb. It is also the second most popular search engine in the world after Google. And many companies advertise on YouTube because it drives sales. But the problem is that it is expensive, it is difficult to make a profitable ad. But, why? It’s because everyone does the same old things where they choose certain keywords, audiences and videos they want to target and show their ads to those people. And what most companies do is trust their creativity. They believe that the copy and design of their ads is what impacts sales the most. And yes, this has a huge impact on conversions and you shouldn’t take it for granted, but you’ll still find it’s hard to scale your YouTube ads properly if you do what everyone else is doing. So I want you to try something new when it comes to your ads.RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________Ubersuggest: is the second most popular site on the web according to Similarweb. It is also the second most popular search engine in the world after Google. And many companies advertise on YouTube because it drives sales. But the problem is that it is expensive, it is difficult to make a profitable ad. But, why? It’s because everyone does the same old things where they choose certain keywords, audiences and videos they want to target and show their ads to those people. And what most companies do is trust their creativity. They believe that the copy and design of their ads is what impacts sales the most. And yes, this has a huge impact on conversions and you shouldn’t take it for granted, but you’ll still find it’s hard to scale your YouTube ads properly if you do what everyone else is doing. So I want you to try something new when it comes to your ads. First, I want you to add the Google watch pixel to your website. You can find out how to do this step by step, just go to this URL. Follow Google’s instructions and set this up. This will allow you to show everyone who visits your site an ad when they browse YouTube. Now you don’t want to show an ad to everyone, more so, you want to show the ad to the right people, the qualified people.Second, you need to be very specific with your ad. Think of all the holes in your marketing that can keep people from buying, address all those problems in your video ad. Also, use all the basics that help get people to the finish line, like social proof, like press quotes, value proposition, pricing, any money-back guarantee you offer, or free trial, showing reviews. of customers, anything that sets you apart, it will all help. Third, send people to a different page on your site. The big mistake people make with their ads is that they send people back to the same page they were on before when they didn’t convert. For example, if I were selling a product or service and I had a landing page showing a bunch of facts and data about why people should buy from me, if someone didn’t convert the first time they saw it, the next time I can do it. With them coming back to my site from remarketing, I would send them to a landing page with more emotional appeal.Fourth, continually test new strategies. You won’t always get the results you want right away. It takes time to test and adjust your campaigns so they convert the way you want them to, from your landing page, to your ad copy, to your creative, even to your targeting, you need to be patient and continually focus on execution. Fifth, don’t forget to add upsells and downsells. When you go to McDonald’s and order fries, they often ask, “Hey, do you want a bigger fries?” You order a hamburger, they’ll ask you, “Do you want a drink and fries with that? Do you want a meal, do you want a happy meal, do you want a toy?” They are constantly trying to get more money from you. It’s easier to generate more money from your existing customers than it is to get new ones. Just like McDonald’s, you want to add some upsells and downsells, this helps to generate more revenue. Any upsell that helps deliver better results or makes results happen faster is an easy way to get people to upsell. Lastly, focus on repeat customers. According to Alex Schultz try out YouTube ads to cold traffic as well, but I also want you to try the strategy I just broke down. If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: Instagram: #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing


How to Implement Marketing Automation to Benefit Your Business – Valorous Circle [Video]

Jonathan Mast, Valorous Circle’s Founder, and Jeremy Mullens, Valorous Circle’s Senior Marketing Director, discuss the benefits of marketing automation implementation for your business.Contact us at: #website #design #website #development #onlinemarketing #Marketing #ValorousCircle #joomla #wordpress #webdesign #Design #Industry #Google #Michigan #GoogleSearch (Website) #video #marketing #onlinevideomarketing, #youtube #marketing #videoblogging #videoblog #vlog #jonathanmast #responsivewebdesign #companyculture #businesspodcast #businesssuccess


Free Resources to Learn Instagram Marketing [Video]

Free resources to learn Instagram marketing. According to stats, there are over 1 billion users on Instagram. Wouldn’t you love to learn how to market to them? Well, today, I’m going to break down seven free resources to teach you marketing on Instagram.RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________HubSpot: Central’s: Meta blueprint: number one: Instagram unlocked. You can find it on the website, and this training is a six-part video course that teaches you all aspects of Instagram. From how to get more followers to how to analyze your stats, to even how to run ads, and even sell on Instagram. What’s cool about this course is: There are cheat sheets, homework assignments, planners, calendars, and other worksheets to make your life easier. So even if you’re new to Instagram, if you follow the worksheets, it’ll help you out drastically.Resource number two: Instagram marketing by HubSpot. The course has 21 videos, six lessons, and six quizzes. It’s a whopping two hours and 30 minutes long. You have to sign up to view the course, but it’s free to sign up. One of the lessons I love in this course is how to create a remarkable Instagram ad content. They also have a lesson on creating remarkable content, just in general, in case you don’t want to run Instagram ads.Resource number three: Instagram marketing basics by Simplilearn. If you’re just starting with Instagram and you haven’t figured out the basics yet or the correct way to even set up your profile, this course is great for you. It doesn’t go over too many advanced elements, such as monetization and how to use it as a business tool, but it’s a great resource for getting started. This course is roughly two hours long, all video-based, and upon completion, you get a completion certificate in case you want to use it to help you get a job.Resource four: Instagram training by Later. If you aren’t familiar with Later, it’s a social media marketing tool. They have a whole section on Instagram training. What’s cool about their training is: it’s short and to the point. It’s not really laid out like a course format, but you can quickly find where you need help, read an article about it, or watch a video about it on Later, and boom, you’re off into the races. It’s great if you’re self-sufficient.Resource five: Increase Instagram engagement on your business profile by Coursera. The reason I wanted to highlight this course is because business profiles tend not to get as much engagement. This course is designed to fix that. It breaks down step by step, how you can create the popular business profile. This is important because business profiles are easier to monetize. And if you don’t have an ad budget, you of course, still want traction. This course will help you with all of that.Resource six: Class Central’s Instagram repository. If you have a lot of time, this is worth checking out. They literally have many courses on Instagram, it’s too many to count, and they have them in different languages, from Arabic to French to German, and the list goes on and on. It’s going to be more time-consuming than most of the other courses and resources I mentioned today, but if you want to get into the nitty gritty about every aspect of Instagram and you don’t mind putting in the time, it’s worth checking out .Last but not least, resource seven: The Meta blueprint. The more you are on Instagram, the more Facebook makes. They have a whole section on their website on how to sell online using Meta platforms. From Facebook to Instagram, they cover all the ad technologies extremely well. It’s worth checking this resource out if you’re considering running paid ads. Funny enough, I would check out this resource before starting to run any ads anyways. It’s always great to get the platform’s point of view. If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: Instagram: #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing


If you don’t have your brand solidified, you’re marketing a bad message #branding #marketing [Video]

If you don’t have your brand solidified, you’re marketing a bad message.Like, comment, subscribe and for more, follow us at “RealSimsMedia” on all major platforms.Don’t have a system and brand that clearly speaks to your audience? Let’s book a Clarity Call: #SimsMedia #PersonalBranding #Branding #BusinessBranding #BusinessMarketing #DigitalMarketing #ContentMarketing #Entrepreneurs #Entrepreneurship #EntrepreneurTips


Deliver emotions to stand out #shorts #branding #marketing #business [Video]

We love Voxer because voice messages provide tonality that text doesn’t.Like, comment, subscribe and for more, follow us at “RealSimsMedia” on all major platforms.Don’t have a system and brand that clearly speaks to your audience? Let’s book a Clarity Call: #SimsMedia #PersonalBranding #Branding #BusinessBranding #BusinessMarketing #DigitalMarketing #ContentMarketing #Entrepreneurs #Entrepreneurship #EntrepreneurTips


Do you Google “You”? #shorts #branding #marketing #business [Video]

Do you Google yourself? Do you know how you show up to the people that don’t know you?Like, comment, subscribe and for more, follow us at “RealSimsMedia” on all major platforms.Don’t have a system and brand that clearly speaks to your audience? Let’s book a Clarity Call: #SimsMedia #PersonalBranding #Branding #BusinessBranding #BusinessMarketing #DigitalMarketing #ContentMarketing #Entrepreneurs #Entrepreneurship #EntrepreneurTips



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Use video to get the full effect #shorts #branding #marketing #business

Use video to get the full effect of your message across!Like, comment, subscribe and for more, follow us at “RealSimsMedia” on all major platforms.Don’t have a system and brand that clearly speaks to your audience? Let’s book a Clarity Call: #SimsMedia #PersonalBranding #Branding #BusinessBranding #BusinessMarketing #DigitalMarketing #ContentMarketing #Entrepreneurs #Entrepreneurship #EntrepreneurTips


Email Marketing Services – Here’s What’s Working in 2022 [Video]

💥 Get Your Bonus ★ Intro 00:35 Email Marketing for Business01:15 Active Campaign Review02:24 How to Choose Email Marketing Service03:21 How to Sell Through Emails05:05 Email Marketing Service06:04 OutroEmail Marketing Services – Here’s What’s Working in 2022Hello, you want to know what is the best email marketing service. After testing a huge number of programs in this category, I found the best option that worked perfectly for me. I have been making over $ 85,000 a year with this service and have been using it for six years now. It has powerful tools to design and automate compelling email campaigns. In this short video, I will reveal to you five very useful secrets that few people know about, but which make it truly the best in the category of email marketing services. It’s about Benchmark, I’ll leave the link to the official website under the video. And now, with a clear example, I will show you everything in detail!