
#SYDWAC – The Hardest Thing About Starting A Business [Video]

#SYDWAC – The Hardest Thing About Starting A Business

Imagine working alone, in your home office, not sure what to do next in your business. The things that used to work to get clients don’t anymore. Usually, it would stress you out, but you have your squad of fellow entrepreneurs to call and brainstorm what to do.

When we work on mastering a skill, we are better off working in a group. It’s why guilds, trade organizations, and professions exist – to allow new folks to learn with the skilled folks and pass knowledge down. It can help with a sense of connection to community and feel pride in one’s work. Groups of like-minded folks make it happen.

To engage and effectively utilize an expert group, we need to get over the belief we need to “go it alone” and that we know it all. We can feel that it’s ok to connect and share with people in our industries, especially when we run small businesses. We need to engage in our professional or trade groups, offer what we know, and learn from others.

When we work together, we advance our learning and skill quicker. Find a group of peers to talk shop with because groups of like-minded folks make it happen.

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How a Simple Coffee Sleeve Redesign Increased Customer Returns [Video]

The success of any business often hinges on small, thoughtful changes that leave a lasting impression. For coffee shops, this can include enhancing the customer experience with clever tweaks to packaging or branding. But how could something as simple as a coffee sleeve make a measurable impact on customer loyalty? Surprisingly, the humble, often overlooked