Knowledge Institute Podcasts
Starting a business has never been easier, but growing and scaling a startup is harder than ever. Greg Head, founder of Scaling Point and Greg’s List and 30 year veteran of the software industry, shares how he helps software companies navigate changing consumer expectations, funding opportunities, experimentation and product/service innovation as they scale… or fail.
Hosted by Jeff Kavanaugh, VP and Head of the Infosys Knowledge Institute.
“There’s a chemistry project in every startup between the founder, their market, the current situation, their luck, the situation, their resources. That’s a wonderful puzzle that is different every time.” –
– Greg Head
Show Notes
Can you share a particularly stark example of [the] digital ceiling?
Jeff introduces Greg.
Greg explains the software industry beyond Sillicon Valley.
Can you characterize any differences in philosophies from these founders who aren’t in Silicon Valley, or there’s some common threads?
It’s almost like …