
Inspiring Leadership Stories (Including Examples) Stories Incorporated [Video]

Reading Time: 5 minutes

If you read this blog, you know employee stories are the most effective employer branding and marketing content. And, an inspiring leadership story series is part of the employee story universe!

As a communicator, you can tell effective culture stories by featuring your leadership team and communicating organizational information at the same time. 

There are many benefits to telling leader stories. Humanizing your leaders by sharing their experiences will build trust with their audience. Connecting their real experiences and stories to the message—often a company culture takeaway or program—also positively impacts your company and employer brand.   

Here are some of our favorite inspiring leadership stories and the executive storytelling best practices they teach us. 

For your most intrepid storytelling leader, mentorship is a great first topic to get them talking. It’s less intimidating because the focus is on giving credit to their mentor. But, the leader storyteller is still a …

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Obama Fundraiser Is a Registered Lobbyist [Video]

Andrew Stiles has the scoop at the Washington Free Beacon: Former Rep. Ron Klein (D-Fla.) is an active campaign bundler for President Obama, having raised between $200,000 and $500,000, according to campaign records. He is also a registered federal lobbyist. The revelation poses a challenge for President Obama, who has banned registered lobbyists from personally contributing