
How to Start a Business With No Money [Video]

How to Start a Business With No Money

How to start a business with no money
You don’t always need lot of capital to start a business in some cases you can get started With a little to no funding at all you probably thanking starting a business with no money it seems like far-fetched idea but it’s not impossible
It’s true if you are going to start and scale any business you are going to need more than just extra cash flow
You most likely need Partners and investors
And a good plan for how you are going to use your new business funds to grow your business
But when you are just starting out best thing to do to start out small
It will be even better you can start out as small as you like
Let’s give you a example
If you are planning to open up a store front where are you going to sell your handcrafted design bags
It will be better to start by selling them to your friends and family first
This way you can build up reputation and get initial feedback
Then you can start selling them online there are many website like Amazon eBay you could sell your merchandise
If that works out people do like your product
At that point you could have your own website
And the store Front
You got that idea because you start small if the business doesn’t work out you wouldn’t lose much
It could be any business that you thinking to start you could always choose to start small
Let’s go through some of the business that you could start with zero funding
Ask yourself this question what you can do and get for free
It’s very easy to come up with a list up obstacle standing in the way for you to launching a business
Also it’s often harder to come up with a list of opportunities that are right in front of you
So what’s essential would be to your business
You’re probably going to need slick custom design website which will cost you a lot of money
When you’re starting you don’t need to do that
Because you probably have only few products
You could simply create a Facebook page to promote your product
Or you could sell your product on eBay
This way you have a very small investment in case something goes wrong you’ll be OK


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