
how to start a business | SMtv | SMtv Entrepreneurship | SMtv Live | business ideas [Video]

how to start a business | SMtv | SMtv Entrepreneurship | SMtv Live | business ideas

#businessideas #businessideas2021 #Smtv

Sandeep Maheshwari is a name among millions who struggled, failed and surged ahead in search of success, happiness and contentment. Just like any middle class guy, he too had a bunch of unclear dreams and a blurred vision of his goals in life. All he had was an undying learning attitude to hold on to. Rowing through ups and downs, it was time that taught him the true meaning of his life.

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How a Simple Coffee Sleeve Redesign Increased Customer Returns [Video]

The success of any business often hinges on small, thoughtful changes that leave a lasting impression. For coffee shops, this can include enhancing the customer experience with clever tweaks to packaging or branding. But how could something as simple as a coffee sleeve make a measurable impact on customer loyalty? Surprisingly, the humble, often overlooked