
How to prepare for starting a Business? – learn Entrepreneurship [Video]

How to prepare for starting a Business? – learn Entrepreneurship

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How to prepare for starting a Business? – learn Entrepreneurship
Best Entrepreneurship Course
Learn the simple things that you must do BEFORE you start a Business!
The things that most people who start a business don’t even know that jeopardise success before they even get started.,The things you need to do to prepare yourself and your business before you leap into an unplanned try at making a business work.,Understand the cornerstone reasons you are considering starting a business and ensure they align with what makes businesses work.,See the total 9 stage startup journey and all the detail components so you will know where you are going after the preparation stage.,Get templates and checklists that will help save you valuable time and money.,Learn the basic principles to apply as you start your business so you get the structure correct at the start instead of doing it wrong and the complications of finding out too late.
You should have a digital device (Phone, PC, Laptop, tablet), internet connection and headphone/speakers. A printer would also be helpful for the checklists and templates.,This is an introduction course so no prior business experience or knowledge is required.,This course is for everyone who has wanted to kick start their entrepreneurial or business journey but hasn’t taken the plunge because they did not know – How to start a Business?,This short and easy to understand course is a simple guide to help you kick start your Entrepreneurial Journey.,In the course,Ii provide you with simple to follow steps mixed with real life examples to prepare you.,The aim is to guide you on the steps to launch your business. The course has checklists and templates that shortcut the key steps to setting up a business correctly.,Think of this course as the “”first preliminary phase”” of starting A Successful Business.,EntrepreneurBusinessmenAspiring Entrepreneurs,Entrepreneur,Businessmen,Aspiring Entrepreneurs

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Expats, Entrepreneurs & Dreamers: How to Build a Thriving Business in France [Video]

Starting a business in a foreign country can be a daunting yet exciting experience. For expats and entrepreneurs, France offers a vibrant market, a rich cultural heritage, and numerous opportunities for business growth. However, navigating the legal, financial, and cultural landscape can be complex. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to help you build a thriving business in France, from understanding the local market to securing insurance.