
Greg Pratt builds Coast Edge Real Estate with @realty’s support [Video]

Motivated by a desire for independence without the financial burden, Pratt joined OASIS powered by @realty, which provided the ideal platform to build his own brand affordably and efficiently.

“For me, it was all about creating a brand that truly represented me—something that would normally cost upwards of $15,000 to set up,” Mr Pratt said. 

“With @realty, I received a full branding package, including my logo, website, property materials, and social media assets, all for a setup cost of $4,000.” 

He said that the process was “incredibly easy and completed in just 4 weeks,” with @realty’s marketing team delivering artwork proofs and materials within hours of the request.

One of the pillars of Pratt’s productivity is @realty’s advanced CRM. 

Equipped with powerful automation and user-friendly tools, the system streamlines listing launches and boosts lead generation. 

“The CRM allows me to launch a listing online across all platforms in just eight …

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The Business Branding Tips You Need [Video]

One strategy for setting your company apart from its rivals is establishing a brand name. It is how your clients recognise and communicate with your company. Your brand's power should be shown in everything, including customer service practices, promotional goods, clothes, geographic area, marketing materials, business cards, custom stickers from