Coaches + Trainers

Ep #520: 10 Years Proud [Video]

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Ep #520: 10 Years Proud

The Life Coach School Podcast is turning 10.

This journey has been a testament to the power of consistency and re-deciding.

Join me as I reflect on the importance of acknowledging your progress, embracing change, and giving yourself permission to evolve. Plus, I’m revealing some exciting updates about the future of the podcast and how you can continue to grow with me.

Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here:

If you are ready to create a life that is unrecognizable by the end of 2024, you have to join me for the last best year in Get Coached:

Coaches + Trainers

The Master Coaching Podcast - New Season Is Here! [Video]

As a coach, your toolkit should be as diverse as your clients. That's why it's our mission to gather insights from various experts, pioneers, and trainers across different industries.The Master Coaching Podcast is your go-to resource for growth, learning, strategies, and coaching methodologies as a Life Coach, Business Coach, or Health Coach. I am your host, Ajit Nawalkha. I have over a decade of experience in coaching and have built multiple 7 & 8-figure companies, and I am so grateful to have received over 2,600 student case studies. In this revamped series, I interview coaches, teachers, experts, and best-selling authors on their best ideas so we can grow our mindset, become better humans, and help other humans by sharing those ideas with others.Every Tuesday, I release a new episode with an expert or coach on a specific topic. Every Thursday, I take everything I learned from that conversation and do my best to give you 2 to 3 coaching strategies you can use immediately for yourself, your coaching practice, and your clients.This isn't just another podcast. It's a journey of discovery, a series of masterclasses designed to empower you to change lives—starting with your own. Join me on this exciting adventure as we relaunch Master Coaching with Ajit this week. Hit Subscribe to get notified as soon as each new episode is released - every Tuesday and Thursday!

Coaches + Trainers

Why You Should Follow Your Heart [Video]

We've all heard those inner voices—a mix of doubt and hope. Some say you can't do it, listing all the reasons why. Others whisper about possibilities, urging you to keep going.Listen to those hopeful voices—they hold the key to your biggest adventures and most exciting journeys.Do you agree? Share your thoughts with us below!#shorts #followyourheart #selfcoaching

Coaches + Trainers

Stage Fright? Here's how to get good at public speaking [Video]

When you're about to speak to a big crowd, those butterflies in your stomach can feel overwhelming. But here's a trick: instead of focusing on yourself, think about the people listening to you and what you want to tell them.Ask yourself: What do they need to know? How can you help them learn something new? When you shift your attention to their needs, suddenly, those nerves start to fade away.Remember, your job on stage isn't about you; it's about serving your audience.#shorts #publicspeaking #coaching

Coaches + Trainers

The Power of Listening as a Coach [Video]

As a coach, the journey to mastery begins with one simple action: coaching. The more you coach, the more refined your skills become. It's a process that unfolds over the years, with each coaching session offering valuable insights and opportunities for growth.Remember, coaching isn't about imparting knowledge or going on educational tangents; it's about guiding and teaching in a way that serves the highest good. Avoid making assumptions; instead, seek to understand your clients deeply. When they speak, listen not just to their words but to the meaning behind them.Do you agree? Share your thoughts in the comment section.#shorts #coaching #listening