Coaches + Trainers

Do this hypnosis technique to overcome any fear or challenge [Video]

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Do this hypnosis technique to overcome any fear or challenge

Are your fears holding you back from becoming your most successful self? Maybe it’s a fear of public speaking, rejection, failure, or trying to lose weight or quit smoking, but you just can’t seem to follow through.

Whatever your challenging situation is, follow Paul McKenna’s powerful One Point hypnosis technique, and you’ll find yourself overcoming any obstacle, whenever you need it, and only in a matter of minutes.

Hypnotherapy is a gateway to personal transformation like no other. Sign up for this Free Masterclass to learn how to become a Certified Hypnotherapist with Paul McKenna πŸ‘‰

Watch Paul McKenna’s full live talk πŸ‘‰

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Coaches + Trainers

Stage Fright? Here's how to get good at public speaking [Video]

When you're about to speak to a big crowd, those butterflies in your stomach can feel overwhelming. But here's a trick: instead of focusing on yourself, think about the people listening to you and what you want to tell them.Ask yourself: What do they need to know? How can you help them learn something new? When you shift your attention to their needs, suddenly, those nerves start to fade away.Remember, your job on stage isn't about you; it's about serving your audience.#shorts #publicspeaking #coaching

Coaches + Trainers

Knowing When To Let Go Of A Client [Video]

Knowing when to fire a client isn't always clear-cut, but there are red flags to pay attention to. If a client's values clash with yours or if their beliefs promote divisiveness, it may be time to part ways.It's essential to communicate openly with clients about your decision. Explain your stance and express your willingness to engage in dialogue. However, if they're unwilling to respect your values, it's best to part on amicable terms.While parting ways with a client may be challenging, it's essential to approach it with grace and professionalism. Wish them well on their journey and trust that both parties will find the right path moving forward.What are your non-negotiable boundaries with clients? Share them below.#shorts #boundaries #coaching

Coaches + Trainers

The BEST way to enroll coaching clients [Video]

Don't use tactics to sell! Whenever you're making a sale, ask yourself would you do this to a loved one?This simple question serves as a guiding principle, leading back to authenticity and empathy in interactions.Ultimately, it's about prioritizing people over profitβ€”valuing their needs and respecting their dignity above all else.#shorts #coaching #coachingskills