After 20 years of high-level legal practice as a tax-lawyer, in 1993 Charles Kovess changed career to become a professional speaker, facilitator, author and passion provocateur. Charles Kovess has added value to many large and small organisations by acting as a ‘laxative’ and unblocking constipated minds and human spirits. The benefits are remarkable. Take a look at my website at and also at my two books “Passionate People Produce” and “Passionate Performance”. My vision is to add value to a selection of the world’s 200 largest corporations who want sustainable and outstanding business outcomes.
Specialties: Leadership development, sensational team building programs, key note speeches at conferences that lead to passionate performance by inspired team members. I am also CEO of Textile & Composite Industries, making the world’s best decorticators to process industrial hemp.
Hemp Engineering Pty Ltd is an EPCM, Engineering, Procurement, and Construction Management company to assist our clients to deliver cost-effective, sustainable, bio-degradable, and carbon-negative engineering solutions for successful Hemp projects.
The objective is to reach green-minded investors and/or interests of governments and get funds for your projects.
Hemp Engineering goal is to be part of this growth by providing Engineering services.