
Brand Promise vs. Tagline: Whats the Difference? [Video]

When we start talking about branding, there’s a lot of jargon out there. You need a brand guide, a value proposition, brand positioning, brand personality, brand experience…the list goes on and on. But what do you actually need to build an impactful brand? And where should you start?

Let’s take a deeper dive into two of these terms: brand promise and tagline. They might seem similar at first glance, but ultimately, the difference boils down to purpose.

In this article, we’ll walk you through their differences (with a few examples) and how to build a brand promise that supports not only your tagline, but all messaging to your customers.

What’s a brand promise?

A brand promise is the statement you make to your customers about what they can expect from every interaction with your brand – from products and services to people and the organization as a whole.

It combines your value propositionand positioning statement to show the …

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