
Brand Audit Checklist: Key Components & Benefits [Video]

Brand Audit Checklist: Key Components & Benefits

A brand audit, which can be described as a comprehensive analysis of a brand’s performance and how it impacts the market, is essential for any company. This typically involves evaluating several aspects of the brand from within and without to determine its current status and find areas where it can improve.

The process of a brand audit may include:

  1. A detailed examination of how well your branding is functioning.
  2. Determining if the correct internal procedures are in place to support your desired public image.
  3. A close look at everything from marketing materials to website design.

For example, a common finding from this type of research might be that messaging shared on social media does not align with what’s being posted on a company blog.

Why do I need one?

Knowing exactly how well your branding efforts are doing — and where they could use some work — can help you make more informed decisions about future marketing strategies. It also helps establish precisely where things …

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