
BLUE MONDAY IS YELLOW, NEW RESEARCH SHOWS Marketing Communication News [Video]

Creatives with synaesthesia are more likely to see ‘Blue Monday’ – the third Monday in January widely regarded as the most depressing day of the year – as yellow not blue

Ahead of Blue Monday on January 15, a survey of people in the creative industry with synaesthesia reveals that 80% don’t ‘see’ the word Monday as blue.

When participants were asked to describe what colour they saw when presented with the word ‘Monday’, the most common colour was yellow, mentioned by 20%. Meanwhile, 5% ‘see’ Monday as a physical shape or t exture, such as concrete, felt or bubble wrap.

The research, conducted among 200 creatives, was done by London branding agency The Clearing after they realised a number of people on the creative team have synaesthesia.

Synaesthesia is a perceptual phenomenon that can lead people to perceive the world differently to the majority of the population.

People with synaesthesia – synaesthetes, who include Pharell Williams and …

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