Even when you’re utilizing a high-level CRM system, there’s a lot of manual data entry that service businesses do every day, whether, through your technicians or your administrative team… and in reality, that data isn’t always correct!
If you can’t properly attribute revenue to your marketing efforts, you’re making decisions based on inaccurate data, leading to mistakes and potential loss of leads and revenue.
But have no fear! Jonathan Torrey is here. Jon is the Director of Marketing and Partnerships at Searchlight Advertising, a company connecting data to help contractors and other service businesses improve their revenue flow.
Join us as we talk with Jonathan about understanding your business’s data and your exact ROI from digital marketing.
In this episode, we discuss the following:
Most common data problems and opportunities for service businesses
How to effectively and efficiently understand and leverage your data to increase your profits and maximize your lead conversion.
The best marketing solution for contractors
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Show links here:
Listen to Jon’s podcast, 5 Minutes to Better Home Services Marketing https://anchor.fm/5minstobettermarketing
Sign up for his email newsletter, The Data-Driven Trades https://thedatadriventrades.substack.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=reader2?utm_source=%2Fsearch%2Fdata%2520driven%2520trades&utm_medium=reader2
🎉🎉 Shout out to those who have partnered with us to make this information possible to share!
👏 Sera https://sera.tech/go/service-business-mastery/
– Request a demo through Service Business Mastery for a discounted Onboarding and Per Tech Fee.
👏 Upfrog https://www.upfrog.io/
👏 CompanyCam https://www.companycam.com/SBM/
– Visit www.companycam.com/SBM for a 14-day trial and 50% off your first two months