
ActiveCampaign Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software | AnyTechTrial.Com [Video]

ActiveCampaign Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software | AnyTechTrial.Com

Active Campaign CRM is a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) that active your entire customer experience by giving you the power needs, flexible, and easy-to-use tools that you need to create an amazing customer experience. This experience is available for all sizes of businesses from small to large and is also integrated with 300+ tools including Shopify, Square, Salesforce, Facebook, Eventbrite, and WordPress.
Active Campaign is a cloud-based CRM is a one-stop marketing solution that provides pre-built automation including email marketing, marketing automation, and CRM tools for personalization across social, email, messaging, chat, and text. With this solution, we can remove the silos between data sources, communication channels, and teams that help to grow your organization and create a personalized customer relationship.

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Starting a Business [Video]

Starting a business can be one the most exciting things you'll do in life. It can also be the scariest. According to the latest statistics on the percentage of businesses that fail in the United States, we see that of the 678,135 new businesses that were started in 2015, more than one-fifth (20.4 percent) closed after their first year in operation.The percentage of businesses that fail increases to 30.9 percent in the second year and 38.6 percent in the third year. By the fifth year in 2020, the new business failure rate reaches 50.0 percent. Needless to say, it's hard! The ones that succeed do so not only because they work hard and get lucky. These entrepreneurs spend an immense amount of time creating a plan and execution strategy. It takes a lot of discipline to overcome the challenges. In this episode I'll discuss the basic questions you want to ask yourself when starting a business.