You are our reason for begin. What participants of our Executive Coaching Certification Program receive is not just PERSONALIZED ASSISTANCE, it’s the fact that they are the focus of all faculty members.
This personalized service you’ll feel as a participant means we will walk along with you until you integrate the necessary skills. Our commitment is to side with you until you are being a coach in a way that is catered for all kind of learning styles.
The EXPERIENCED FACULTY MEMBERS at EEC implies you will be learning from certified high level faculty members with extensive experience: at least 8 faculty members will be in your training panel, some as professional coaches, some as facilitators, as supervisors.
You will be exposed to a large range of coaching styles – we do not train coaches machines – each person creates their own style. You will take away skills and tools to move forward confidently as a coach. You will enjoy the support of eec facilitators to become great coaches
The Online Campus, EEC CAMPUS, is a propietary platoform that allows syncronous (live online) training – all real-time – interactive… theory based with practice and experiential… And all the program’s documentation will be at your fingertips from anywhere… at anytime. You’ll also access to large source of documents, readings, videos, book store, etc…
Being parto of the Executive Coaching Certification Program at EEC offers you a global community for ongoing learning, our EEC Alumni, with continued support to enhance your coaching practice. The English version is under development, and as the number of english-speaking coaches increase, more activites will be planned…
Finally, another reason why you can trust us, EEC European coaching school, is shown in the numbers:
18-year offering ICF-ACTP trainings / 4,500 certified coaches / 17,000 trainees / 400 companies that trust us to complete our programs for different reasons: obtaining coaching skills for leaders and training internal coaches.
So If remain open to accept the challenge and maintain the learning mindset and if you sustain commitment to assistance, practices, readings, homework… you will not only become an excellent coach but a powerful tool for transformation within and around you.
Learn more on our Executive Coaching Certification Program hands-on experiential program based on practical training and coaching practices: