
Authors Roundtable in Review – Information Security Forum [Video]

ISF Chief Executive, Steve Durbin, and Tavia Gilbert close out the Authors Roundtable season,  discussing what they’ve learned from interviews over the past four episodes with Thomas EisenmannMichele WuckerMichelle Seiler Tucker, and Matt Blumberg. They review what they learned from each of those conversations and link those conversations directly to the concerns and opportunities for cyber security listeners.

You know, security is something that flows through the business from the chairman right the way down. And organizations that get that and get it right are flourishing in a manner that is appropriately protecting their intellectual property, their core components, their core business, because that’s how they view it.

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Understanding Your 'Why': The Motivation Behind Starting A Business [Video]

When you start a project, do you stop to think about the reason?Your "why" should drive your motivation and keep you focused on your goals during difficult times. Knowing your "why" can help you create a clear vision for your business and make strategic decisions that align with your purpose.Learn more at: #TSPITR #SelfHelpBook