
5 lessons on starting a business from scratch [Video]

Dior Starr started her own company a year ago. How did she build a business from scratch?

This winter, Dior Sarr, the founder of Slice’ Eat Up, an online food-ordering platform for people with special dietary needs, took part in MaRS’ Entrepreneur’s Toolkit Workshops Intensive Program.

Dior started her company a year ago and says that all of the pieces are coming together since attending the program. By following the program’s lessons and frameworks, she even made it into the final round of the Up-Start! Competition, a business pitch competition open to Entrepreneurship 101 participants.

With applications now open for our next round of the Intensive Program, we asked Dior to share her top 5 lessons she learned in the program.

1. Trust your entrepreneurial instinct

“When I was first asked to present my business project during the first session of the business model series, I gave an overview of an idea …

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