
13 lessons learnt starting a business during covid | an honest reflection [Video]

13 lessons learnt starting a business during covid | an honest reflection

hey friends. back again everyday with another video. here I share the thirteen lessons I learnt looking back on the last ten months I have spent launching my own start up. I have seen growth that would have otherwise taken years so I do truly hope this video may spark something inside of you to ditch the comfort zone and take that risk into living the life of your dreams. sure it is scary and has hurdles to get through but all of this just makes the victory that much sweeter. + when you work hard day in day out then success becomes a matter of ‘when’ and not ‘if’. if you liked the video then do give it a thumbs up comment subscribe all that good stuff. videos everyday so dont worry, Im not going anywhere.

Defining Decade –

1st lesson: persistence is key.
2nd lesson: nobody owes you anything.
3rd lesson: the strength of weak ties.
4th lesson: Don’t be afraid to be direct.
5th lesson: Always respect people’s time.
6th lesson: Things don’t go to plan.
7th lesson: always be prepared.
8th learning: the importance of kaizen.
9th learning: the secret is hard work and consistency.
10th learning: make success inevitable.
11th learning: fall in love with the process.
12th learning: You never know unless you try.
13th learning: make your own story.

music credits:
Holidays – Prof Riddiman

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How a Simple Coffee Sleeve Redesign Increased Customer Returns [Video]

The success of any business often hinges on small, thoughtful changes that leave a lasting impression. For coffee shops, this can include enhancing the customer experience with clever tweaks to packaging or branding. But how could something as simple as a coffee sleeve make a measurable impact on customer loyalty? Surprisingly, the humble, often overlooked