
What to do if you’re starting a business or entering the job market in 2021 – Spencer Williams [Video]

What to do if you’re starting a business or entering the job market in 2021 – Spencer Williams

As a new entrepreneur or student soon entering into the job market, what’s the best skill you could have?

The best skill you could have to protect yourself and protect your families wealth and even start building it in an business environment that is changing fast is the ability to change fast.

If you can master the skill of learning new skills FAST, you will be very rich in 2021 onwards.

If you cannot adapt with the market, and separate from traditional ways of thinking as the market separates from traditional to technology and the new you will be left behind.

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How a Simple Coffee Sleeve Redesign Increased Customer Returns [Video]

The success of any business often hinges on small, thoughtful changes that leave a lasting impression. For coffee shops, this can include enhancing the customer experience with clever tweaks to packaging or branding. But how could something as simple as a coffee sleeve make a measurable impact on customer loyalty? Surprisingly, the humble, often overlooked