
5 BAD Businesses Ideas You Need To Avoid [Video]

5 BAD Businesses Ideas You Need To Avoid

Thinking about starting a business? Here are five types of businesses to avoid and why…

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1. Food businesses: Perishable items, strict regulations, and low margins make food a tough industry.

2. Fixed location businesses: High setup costs and local market limitations make it hard to scale.

3. High capital-intensive businesses: Constant reinvestment needed, making it hard to reach profitability.

4. Highly regulated businesses: Hard to differentiate when everyone follows the same rules.

5. Sexy businesses: Attract too many people who aren’t focused on profitability, leading to high competition and low returns.

Instead, consider businesses related to intellectual property, media, software, or data for better scalability and profitability.

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Advertising Champions with Paul Flowers of CIRCA 46 [Video]

On Advertising Champions, our host Tony Stanol interviews bright and engaging members of the digital advertising and media community. On this segment, Tony speaks with Paul Flowers of CIRCA 46. CIRCA 46 specializes in marketing products and services to the senior cohort. It is a subsidiary of Dallas-based Slingshot, LLC. What is your BEST service? []