
4 Tools To beat Shopify vs Starbucks vs Spinify vs Active Campaign [Video]

4 Tools To beat Shopify vs Starbucks vs Spinify vs Active Campaign -My top 4 new marketing tools you can use as a business owner or agency servicing businesses. -Best V.IRAL contest software ever! -New funnel and cart builder software, need more info before you decide, click the link. -Customized email campaign sequencer -Mobile Gift and Reward Card software

If you’d like more info on any of these softwares let me know in the comments and I can go into more detail, in fact I did on this video, but it got too long, so it was cut out.

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Advertising Champions with Paul Flowers of CIRCA 46 [Video]

On Advertising Champions, our host Tony Stanol interviews bright and engaging members of the digital advertising and media community. On this segment, Tony speaks with Paul Flowers of CIRCA 46. CIRCA 46 specializes in marketing products and services to the senior cohort. It is a subsidiary of Dallas-based Slingshot, LLC. What is your BEST service? []