Membership Sites

18 Best Membership Site Examples That You Should Check Out in 2021 [Video]

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Are you look­ing for the best mem­ber­ship site exam­ples to get inspiration?

Word­Press is used by some of the biggest and most pop­u­lar mem­ber­ship sites in the world. By look­ing at suc­cess­ful mem­ber­ship sites you can learn what they’re doing and improve your site.

In this arti­cle, we’ll share some of the best mem­ber­ship site exam­ples that you can use for inspi­ra­tion and direction.

What Do You Need to Build a WordPress Membership Website?

Word­Press makes it easy to build near­ly any kind of mem­ber­ship web­site. For exam­ple, you can put con­tent behind a pay­wall, run an online com­mu­ni­ty with a forum, sell pay-per-view con­tent, bun­dle online cours­es, and more.

A mem­ber­ship site can be an addon to your exist­ing Word­Press blog, or be a stand­alone online business.

To get start­ed with your own mem­ber­ship site you’ll need four main things:

  • A domain name: This is the address for your web­site (ours is
  • Web …
Membership Sites

Concierge - Platinum Plan - Blog Marketing Academy [Video]

The most all-inclusive plan for membership sites and ecommerce sites where a higher level of support is needed. Total Site Maintenance (Weekly) Daily off-site backups Enterprise-level malware protection/scanning, site firewall 24/7 uptime monitoring Site analytics viaFathom Analytics(with email reports) Access to Concierge Toolkit (Tier 1) First Name Basis Support Private