
Why you shouldn’t blow your budget on a CRM system | Business Automation and CRM systems [Video]

Why you shouldn’t blow your budget on a CRM system | Business Automation and CRM systems

If you want to know more about the process we use to help businesses identify their needs in terms of software solutions, you are at the right place!
In this video, Maarten Kruger from Tech Genius (an expert in creating Business Automation software), discusses what they do in the one hour free consultation they offer. He explains the process they use to assist clients in understanding the process their business follows as well as the problems they face and where they need to focus to grow their business. It is amazing what one can achieve in one hour and that is why Tech Genius offers a one hour free business consultation with business owners and/or business decision makers. Maarten explains the approach Tech Genius take when they develop custom software systems for business owners to assist them in their business automation. And most of all, he also explains why you shouldn’t blow your budget on a CRM system!

Want to know more about Business Automation? Watch this video! Enjoy this discussion and be sure to like, follow and subscribe! For more videos like this one, check out the following videos on our channel:

Introduction to Business Automation:
When will you need Business Automation?
What is a Web App?

*Interview by Melanie Foxcroft from MF Consulting*


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