
Why I don’t drink alcohol & why I’m starting a business – My ultimate goal. [Video]

Why I don’t drink alcohol & why I’m starting a business – My ultimate goal.

#StopDrinkingAlcohol #Spirituality #KavaBar

“If we can not face the reality of what it could possibly be, how are we ever going to face that if it is a possibility?” – Emma-Lee de Lange

Emma- Lee de Lange not a professional and does not have the ability to give any life advice, this is not a counseling service.
Emma Esoteric’s content is for entertainment purposes only and Emma-Lee de Lange does not hold responsibility for how the content is taken or understood.
Emma Esoteric is a registered business with the Australian Government.
The starting and ending clip of these videos has been created by Emma-Lee de Lange; Emma Esoteric has the rights over the music and the image in the clip.

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