
Why are CRM and marketing automation inseparable? [Video]

Many experts claim that marketing automation and CRM are inseparable strategies. Each of them is very complete and being united the result is very interesting. Therefore, you should combine them in your future brand strategies.

Currently many companies have opted to offer good content, make use of social networks and even send mass emails. All this is included within what is known as digital marketing. Automating these actions will make it easier for you to increase the performance of your brand.

On the other hand, CRM, known in English as ‘Customer Relationship Management’ and in Spanish as ‘Customer Relationship Management’, is the strategy that will allow you to centralize in a single database all the interactions that exist between your company and customers.

The ultimate goal is that you can improve the service and relationships you have with your customers and potential customers.

Marketing automation and CRM: are they opposites?

The marketing automation or automated marketing is …

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