New reports and articles are increasingly pointing to water risk as one of the biggest issues associated with climate change, energy production, food security, and human health. The need for better information on where and how water can create risks for companies, investors, and communities is more apparent than ever.
To help address this need, the World Resources Institute (WRI) launched the new Aqueduct global water risk mapping tool, including maps of 12 indicators of water-related risk.
This webinar:
Takes a close look at how companies can start managing water-related challenges, including quantity, quality, regulatory and reputational risks.
Specifically, it focuses on outlining the first step business should take to identify, prioritize and respond to water risks, and
How Aqueduct can help inform and guide this process.
The webinar provides a quick and easy way for business and sustainability leaders to learn why and how they should start thinking more strategically about water, and the associate risks to their operations and supply chains. The webinar, sponsored by 2Degrees, …