
We Finally Know Why Kirkland Signature Products Are So Cheap [Video]

We Finally Know Why Kirkland Signature Products Are So Cheap

Shopping at Costco can feel like the next best thing to shoplifting! Here’s why Costco’s Kirkland Signature products are such a steal!

#Kirkland #Costco #GroceryShopping

Thoughtful development of Kirkland products | 0:00
One brand means cheaper marketing | 1:21
Co-branding with big names | 2:32
Costco carefully chooses what to make | 3:41
Kirkland products have better profit margins | 4:48
Costco heavily invests in its products | 5:50
Costco sources everything in bulk | 6:39
It sells everything in bulk | 7:44
They profit from membership fees | 8:57
Costco doesn’t pay for advertising | 10:05
The store is bare-bones | 10:53

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Obama Fundraiser Is a Registered Lobbyist [Video]

Andrew Stiles has the scoop at the Washington Free Beacon: Former Rep. Ron Klein (D-Fla.) is an active campaign bundler for President Obama, having raised between $200,000 and $500,000, according to campaign records. He is also a registered federal lobbyist. The revelation poses a challenge for President Obama, who has banned registered lobbyists from personally contributing