
Vote Charlie Abel No.1 for Dyce, Bucksburn & Danestone on 23rd February 2023 [Video]

Vote Charlie Abel No.1 for Dyce, Bucksburn & Danestone on 23rd February 2023

Vote for Alba candidate Charlie Abel No.1 for Dyce, Bucksburn & Danestone on 23rd February 2023.


Transcript of speech:

Fit like!

I’m Charlie Abel. I’m standing for ALBA in the Dyce Bucksburn and Danestone By-election for Aberdeen City Council this Thursday, 23rd February.

I’ve been part of an inspirational, active campaign team we’ve been working tirelessly for your vote, (this Thursday) and we’ve been joined by activists from all over Scotland who recognise the importance of this by-election in moving the dial towards a better future. We’ve talked to many of the residents and heard a variety of local and national views.

But One thing that’s clear that unifies voters from all persuasions is the ongoing cost of living crisis. Scotland is an energy-rich country, yet we are in fuel poverty. This is a national scandal for an energy-rich Scotland.

I believe history rightly will condemn those who idly sit back and allow this shameful exploitation of our people and our resources. Westminster’s ‘market first’ Trickle-down economics should be acknowledged for the selfish fraud it is. You pay the tax so they don’t have to. We are not all in it together, but those Westminster parties certainly are. Don’t let them get away with it.

Like me, many people are disgusted, and rightly so, with the current state of politics. Our NHS is in crisis, our schools don’t have staff, and our city is on its knees. We speak with people and it’s very, very clear, they are angry. Angry at the inaction and the excuses. Some say they won’t bother to vote because “you’re a’ just the same”

Often they are taken a back when I don’t shy away and explain that’s not the case, and that’s why I’m here, that’s why ALBA is her and we also share their anger and frustration. We remind them that without voting, nothing will change, and if people keep voting for the same old parties, nothing will ever change.
People feel that they have been left in the political wilderness, but now they are finding refuge in ALBA.
ALAB is giving people their voice back. A chance to make a difference. ALBA is a truly democratic members-run party, for the purpose of the Scottish people and a peaceful route to our independence as an immediate priority. After being denied a voice for many years, People are now finding it again in the ALBA party. The disenfranchised, now have a franchise.

ALBA Stands for Scotland. Alba stands for us. The people of Scotland. And the people have had enough. It’s time to change direction. It’s time our vast resources benefitted the people of Scotland, instead of the people of Scotland paying for our own resources at inflated prices controlled by an insatiable, greedy establishment.
Say ‘No more’ to freezing in our homes in cold winters with bare cupboards and power cuts. No more struggling to get by and drowning in mounting debt, feeding greedy prepay meters. End the shame of having to run foodbanks and warm spaces to protect our vulnerable families and elderly, with the lowest pensions in the western world! Pensions are not a benefit, they are a contract between the individual and the state. We work for our pensions!

Scotland is a rich country. We ALL deserve a better future and a better quality of living standard. The Union has failed Scotland.
The blame and shame of poverty should never be placed on the innocent but at the foot of the political establishment, plundering our resources and sabotaging the potential of Scotland and its people.

Vote ALBA No 1.

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