
Understanding Yourself and Your People to Create Positive, Healthy Environments [Video]

Understanding Yourself and Your People to Create Positive, Healthy Environments


Tatyana St. Germain is a brilliant woman who focuses on providing guidance and coaching using development assessments, talent optimization tools and so much more. She is a straightforward, no-nonsense person and in today’s world we need more people helping companies and leaders have the hard conversations. Tatyana is amazing at her craft and this is a conversation that you won’t want to miss.
Leighann Lovely  00:20
HR professionals, business owners and operations at all levels are struggling to figure out what needs to change. Our system has been shocked practices have been questioned, and conversations are finally happening. We all know there has been a huge shift in what people want. inclusion and diversity are common phrases. But often misunderstood generations are coming together more than ever on what’s important. Mental health has been brought to the forefront of everyone’s mind. Let’s humanize these conversations. Let’s talk about what’s important for employees to be successful in life and at their job and how companies can create an environment to allow them to do both because successful people will make up a successful workforce. I’m Leighann Lovely. Let’s get this conversation started.
Leighann Lovely  01:09
Today is going to be a great episode. I have an amazing guest joining me today. Tatyana St. Germain is the founder and CEO of Great People Management, a consulting firm that offers hiring and development assessments, talent optimization tools, and leadership and executive coaching. Tatianna believes that people are the foundation of every business, but the right people are the backbone of a successful business. She has helped over 1000 organizations across the US, Canada, Europe and Asia, develop their leaders and establish sustainable and cost effective systems to select, retain and develop the right people who get results and smash the competition. With over 20 years of business, corporate, and international experience. She is an expert in understanding and solving complex people challenges in the workplace, including selection, onboarding, turnover and retention, her integrity her unique perspective, valuable insight, keen observation, and a no nonsense approach attracts companies who demand results, who strive to always be better, make smarter decisions about their people and increase effectiveness of their managers and teams. Tatiana’s background spans a variety of fields, linguistics, international relations, training, teaching, recruiting, business development, strategic planning, service excellence, and CEO roundtable facilitation. She is a vintage trust advisor and an avid networker when she is not connecting people or trends, forming organizations. She enjoys making wine, cooking, reading, camping, gardening, stargazing, traveling and RVing around the country with her family. Tatiana, thank you so much for joining me today.
Tatyana St. Germain  03:16
Thank you for having me on Leighann.
Leighann Lovely  03:19
So why don’t you start off by telling me a little bit about yourself.
Tatyana St. Germain  03:24
Alright, well, my name is Tatyana. I am an executive coach of 100 and CEO of great people management. I work with corporations to help them ensure that they have the right people in the right positions. So sort of in talent advisory role, as well as working with executives and leaders in management at the management level, and all the way to CEO, coaching them and providing leadership development and team development services as well.
Leighann Lovely  03:55
That’s awesome. Now you, you specialize in actually using assessment tools to, you know, help with reviewing employees and doing a lot of your coaching or in I’m sorry, doing a lot of your work with these individuals and these companies, I should say, not individuals. Tell me a little bit about, you know, how you utilize these assessments and how that can be effective.
Tatyana St. Germain  04:23
Well, what’s interesting, and you kind of mentioned this already, I work with both individuals and companies. Okay. So in what I’m finding in my consulting practice is what we’re lacking is information. I know we’re surrounded by information, but there’s a lot of noise. And what we’re not focusing is information about people, individual people, and it’s a really powerful piece of data, very scientific piece of piece of data that psychometric assessments provide, and when you can measure somebody and know exactly what makes them tick, understand their story. some weaknesses, understand what motivates them understand their full potential, then as a hiring manager, as a leader, you can make a much better, more informed decision. What position to put this person in? Will they be a good fit for this role? Will they be a good fit for this team? How will I, as a leader, as a manager work with this individual? And so this information can be used both on the hiring

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