
Understanding The Why Is Key To Success In Web Design & Branding Explains Award-winning Designer [Video]

Robert Reilly of boutique agency Mixed Handed Branding outlines his vision for working with clients to develop a clear sense of purpose that grows loyalty and relevance with its customers, as part of the Wix Partner Awards series.

Purpose is a frequently used term in the marketing world, and one that’s in danger of losing its meaning in some quarters. Too often it’s thrown around as evidence of a brand’s claims to virtue while having little connection to the reality of that business’s existence.

However, for Robert Reilly, founder and chief executive of branding agency Mixed Handed Branding, purpose is an essential component of his approach with clients. Whether that’s manifested in a logo design, building a website or growing a brand from scratch. Put simply, Reilly and his agency are in the business of “understanding the why” for their clients, to help them define a clear sense of purpose.

That’s worthy of recognition. Indeed, each month, the …

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