
Tulip blooms bring crowds out to Garvan Gardens [Video]

"This what we call 'showtime' at Garvan Gardens in the spring. It's the most beautiful I've seen it, and I've been here since opening day."

HOT SPRINGS, Ark. — Just like the tulips starting to grow and bloom, business is starting to pick up at Garvan Gardens in Hot Springs.

"This what we call 'showtime' at Garvan Gardens in the spring," Susan Harper, the Visitor Services and Group Director for the Gardens, said. "It's the most beautiful I've seen it, and I've been here since opening day."

Harper and the gardens have been through a lot since then, including winter weather and the pandemic.

Having other people see the end result of months of growing is worth it, she says.

"We love sharing this, that was Mrs. Garvans idea of preserving this 210 acre property, as a legacy for the people of Arkansas to come and enjoy it" she said. …

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Expats, Entrepreneurs & Dreamers: How to Build a Thriving Business in France [Video]

Starting a business in a foreign country can be a daunting yet exciting experience. For expats and entrepreneurs, France offers a vibrant market, a rich cultural heritage, and numerous opportunities for business growth. However, navigating the legal, financial, and cultural landscape can be complex. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to help you build a thriving business in France, from understanding the local market to securing insurance.