
Try These 7 Budget-Friendly Lead Sources With No Upfront Fee [Video]

It’s Marketing and Branding Month here at Inman. As we enter a competitive spring selling season, let’s examine which tried-and-true tactics and cutting-edge innovations are getting deals done in today’s market. We’ll also be recognizing the industry’s marketing and branding leaders with Inman’s Marketing All-Star Awards.

With the slowdown in the number of transactions, a lot of agents are looking for ways to generate leads while maintaining a budget. If this is you, the solution might be companies that provide leads with no upfront fees.

The process begins with these companies capturing the leads, nurturing them to a point where they are ready to begin working with an agent, then referring the prospects to agents in their network. In exchange for the leads, the companies do not charge any upfront fees, but they do receive a referral fee at the time of closing. The referral fees can vary from 25 percent up to 40 percent, but …

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