
Three strategies for everyone to feel better at work Webinar [Video]

Three strategies for everyone to feel better at work Webinar

With organisations increasingly recognising the importance of the wellbeing of their employees, Matt Jenkin Employment Law partner at Moorcrofts and Miles Mather Executive Coach and Trainer look at how businesses and individuals can implement strategies to feel better at work.

Miles discusses three core dimensions of wellbeing:

1) social – connecting with other humans
2) physical – balance and rest; and
3) occupational – setting directional goals; and how to implement effective strategies to feel better at work.

About Miles Mather
Miles is on a mission to spread positivity in the workplace and create happy people!

He is an executive coach and trainer as well as a transformational private coach. Having trained at an advanced level as a transformational coach, Miles’ focus is on personal development for deep, and long term change.

He has worked as a commercial consultant, delivering change management and commercial support since 2005 for over 15 well known blue chip clients.

About Matt Jenkin
Matt has over 20 years’ experience as an employment lawyer. He regularly advises employers and senior executives across a broad range of employment law matters including drafting employment contracts, employment policies and procedures, day-to-day HR/employment law support, advising on business reorganisations, transfer of undertakings (TUPE), termination arrangements and settlement agreements and employment tribunal claims including complex multi-day discrimination claims. Matt also provides regular training to clients, talks at a number of events and writes for national HR and Employment publications on a broad range of employment law topics.

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