
The Seven Signs You Need An Executive Coach [Video]

The Seven Signs You Need An Executive Coach

Do you find yourself feeling undervalued, overworked, overly stressed, and are seeing a decline in your performance? Has anybody ever said to you, ” you could really use some coaching?” If so, you may be suffering from LD. Leadership Derailment can impact anyone from emerging leaders to seasoned executives. LD has been cited by 60% of all organizations as their top business challenge costing organizations as much as 20 times the annual executives salary. The primary cause is a lack of leadership development.
In this epsidode of Mainline Executive Coaching ACT, Master Certified Executive Coach, Donna Tarantino, will discuss with Rich and Maikel how to recognize the seven signs that you need executive coaching, and why you need to be coachable. Don’t miss this episode!

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