
The Myths of Starting a business [Video]

The Myths of Starting a business

The Myths of Starting a business

Starting a business can be scary, but you have to be mindful of believing everything you hear and see on the internet because many of them are lies!

Despite, what many entrepreneurs and influencers preach online…you don’t need to quit your job in order to start a business.

You also, don’t have to be backed by investors and seed funding in order to get started.

You do not need to be perfect in order to get started or have everything together. What you need is a plan of action and to be intentional and in this video I am going to dismiss many of the myths and false beliefs shared when starting a business.

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//About Vince

I am a Creative-lifestyle-entrepreneur, visionary, and someone dedicated to breathing life into the dreams of others! My journey started with utilizing my background in accounting and auditing that helped me transition into a Business Coach for startups and soloprenuers in need of direction. Thus far in my journey, I have been fortunate to help retire myself into a full-time entrepreneur online and help many individuals around the globe from many walks of life do the same. Establishing not just a business, but designing one that is round their life. My goal is to help you get past where you are and towards where you want to be in both your business and life as well. Creating a life and business around YOU!

#mythsofstartingabusiness #howtostartabusiness #businessstartup

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