
Bet on these marketing channels for 2024 says these tech Experts [Video]

In this video, 2 tech experts, Jason Lemkin of SaaStr and Wade Foster of Zapier, talk about what marketing channels they are betting on for 2024.This is an excerpt from the “Angles and Insight” Podcast!Listen on all major podcast networks! Links to those can be found here: this video Jason and Wade discuss:- Your email list is more than just a list – it’s an asset that can work for generations.- Despite the changing landscape, SEO remains highly effective and efficient.- SEO requires ongoing effort and creativity but offers significant returns on investment.- Content marketing is not dead; it’s just more competitive, requiring a higher level of creativity and dedication.- Standing out in today’s saturated market requires focusing on what you do best.- Identify your strengths and dedicate the majority of your resources to mastering them.Subscribe for more tips, information, and marketing best practices!Not a customer? Try it free at: with ActiveCampaign on social!LinkedIn: #tech #podcast #CustomerExperienceAutomation #EmailMarketing #MarketingAutomation #CRM #SalesCRM #EmailDeliverability #SalesSoftware #MarketingSoftware #Email #SalesAutomation #Newsletter #customerexperience 00:00 Introduction00:41 The Enduring Power of SEO01:15 SEO in 2024: What’s Working?02:02 The Misconceptions About SEO and Content Marketing03:10 Standing Out in a Saturated Market04:02 Focusing on Your Strengths05:15 Conclusion


Get More Traffic Now: Insider Tips for Success [Video]

Ready to boost your online presence? From optimizing your website for search engines to leveraging social media and creating engaging content, Neil & Kate Kordsmeir cover all the essential strategies for attracting and retaining visitors.RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________Ubersuggest: SEO Analyzer: Principles: Life & Work by Ray Dalio: Kate Kordsmeier: ____________________________________________The reason I love SEO is it allows the little guy, the little man, the little woman, whatever you want to call it, and when I mean little, I’m not talking about size wise, I’m talking about dollar wise. people who don’t have tons of money, it allows them to compete with the big corporations without the same firing power. Just thinking of it like David versus Goliath. These big corporations, a lot of ’em don’t have, thousands of dollars of ad spend, they have millions and in some cases billions, right? Billions is more rare, but a lot of ’em have millions, some even hundreds of millions of dollars. And how do you compete with them? SEO can continually get you traffic, it’s your 24 hour salesman, even when you’re sleeping, and when you get the results, a lot of it takes, it’s from time and effort versus money spent. And yes, it takes longer to achieve the results, but once you get them, it can really change your business overnight.The problem with social media is the algorithms change all the time, it can really hurt you, the reach is continuously dying unless you spend more and more money. with SEO you create amazing content, you get that evergreen traffic. With social media, you create content, you get that hit for the first 24, 48 hours, unless you produce another hit, you’re not going to see much love from social media unless you spend that money on advertising.For some trends in SEO for 2023, the first one is a lot of business owners focus on content, when it comes to SEO traffic, ’cause the more words you have, the better off you’re going to be. I’m assuming they’re high quality, pieces of content, sure. But the problem with content is there’s so much content on every single topic, it actually is harder to get rankings and traffic now than it was five, 10 years ago or even two years ago. You search for any term like auto insurance, there’ll be a billion plus results. But people are only clicking on the first 10, right? Page one of Google, maybe page two, so you’re looking at 20 out of a billion plus results. Now, to get a lot of traffic, you also need links. So no matter how many pieces of content you create, if you don’t have that many links, it’s going to be hard for you to also rank well. One way to generate the links is actually by releasing a free tool. So there’s free tools that you can pop on your website for any sector. We have SEO tools and marketing tools and AB testing tools on our website and calculators. And you can go to sites like and find tools in any space, like accountability calendar, I don’t know, I’m making this up. You can figure out what it is, you can spend 10 to 50 bucks, they’ll give you a white label version that you can put on your website, claim it as your own ’cause you’re paying for it, and they allow this and you’ll notice that over time, it’ll produce a lot of natural links, which will help your rankings drastically.People tend to link to tools more than they link to content. So if you have great tools on your website, you’ll naturally get links. These links help your overall site rank higher, makes your tools rank higher, makes your homepage rank higher, makes your content pages rank higher because Google will look at the overall authority of your website. If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: Instagram: #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing


What businesses need to be aware of in 2023 when it comes to SEO 🔍 [Video]

SEO is an ever-evolving landscape that requires businesses to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and algorithms. Especially in 2023, there are two crucial SEO factors that every business needs to be aware of to remain competitive in the digital marketplace. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve in the constantly evolving world of SEO. Create a Free-Forever account with GetResponse and kick off with your email marketing campaigns today 👉 💙 About GetResponse GetResponse is an all-in-one marketing platform with integrated features you need to run your online campaigns. Features email marketing, landing pages, marketing automation, webinars, paid ads, and prebuilt conversion funnels to help you grow your audience, engage with your customers, sell your knowledge, and boost online sales. Follow GetResponse here: 🖥 Official Site: ✔ LinkedIn:… ✔ Instagram: ✔ Facebook: 👉 Don’t forget to Subscribe! ✔ Create your Free-Forever account 👉 #SEO #getresponse #emailmarketing


Do This Before Google’s Next Algorithm Update [Video]

Nervous about Google’s seemingly constant algorithm updates? You’re not the only one – but there’s a ton that you can do to stay ahead of the curve. 00:00 Intro01:43 Go Into Google Search Console03:34 Keep Track of Your Biggest Money PagesRESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________Ubersuggest: Google Search Console: ____________________________________________Do you know how many updates Google does every single year? The number might shock you. Although you typically only hear about a few major ones every year, the real number is way higher. Can you guess what it is? Well in 2020, Google made 4,500 changes to its search algorithm. Here’s a great way to stay ahead of Google’s next big algorithm update.The strategy, includes ongoing optimization into your content plan. Look, you probably already know that Google heavily factors in user experience when it comes to search rankings, but if you’re not actively updating your content on a consistent basis, you’re putting your entire website at a disadvantage for when the next update comes around. So here’s what I want you to do.Step one, go into Google Search Console. And what I want you to do is click on your site portfolio, look at your traffic, and compare year over year. You can actually compare the last 30 days to what happened in the previous year. And you can do that using their date picker. I want you to see all the pages that have decreased the most in traffic, and I want you to update those pages. Have you noticed that anytime you do a Google search, Wikipedia is continually ranking at the top? Why is that? It’s because their content is continually fresh with things like GPT-3 and all these AI tools that just make you being able to write content at the snap of your fingers, it’s easy to produce content. Everyone’s doing it. We need people to continually update their content more frequently. And when Google sees that you’re updating your content more frequently, they know it’s fresh, not outdated, that’s more likely to provide the most value to users. Now the way I recommended you to update your content is you look at the pages that decrease in their traffic the most. Those are the pages that can provide your biggest traffic gains. Because those have the most opportunity. If they lost rankings, it’s usually because they’re not as fresh as the competition or more thorough or more in depth. And you can see what keywords those pages rank for ’cause Google Search Console shows you and you can just do Google searches for those keywords to see what other people are doing that you’re not, and that’ll give you ideas on how to keep your page the most user friendly, up to date, and providing the most value.Now, the second thing I want you to do is, on a monthly basis, keep track of all your main money pages. These are the pages that are getting most the traffic to your website from Google. And I want you to keep track of, all right, here are the main pages, just spend a quick few minutes on the top 30, 40, 50 pages, shouldn’t take you more than a few hours a month and create a list of the ones that you think should be updated to provide people the most value.Even if that means that, hey, your traffic isn’t dropping. Just because your traffic isn’t dropping doesn’t mean that page shouldn’t be updated. You want to do what’s best for the user and not focus too much on Google. That’s how you stay ahead of their update. because what does Google do? You think Google cares about how many backlinks you have, or how cool your site looks? Sure these are all factors in their algorithm.What they really care for is what a user likes and what they don’t. Because even if you had a million backlinks, if users go to your website and they all bounce and click the back button ’cause they think your content sucks, Google’s not going to rank you high. Yes, there are all these SEO factors, but what they care the most about is, is the user satisfied and happy when they land on your website? If they are, over time, you rank higher. If they’re not, you don’t rank as higher. That’s why you need to continually update your content. If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: Instagram: #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing


Neil Patel’s Double-Your-Traffic Master Class [Video]

Right now, there are over a billion blogs on the internet – roughly one for every seven people.That means competition is steep, and if you want to keep your page alive and thriving, you can’t afford to be like every other site out there.But if you’re like most entrepreneurs or business people, you don’t have a ton of time to devote to writing blog posts or monitoring long-term traffic campaigns.(Especially not with Google algorithms and SEO trends that change every few weeks.)And that’s why I’m launching my Master Class.I have three brand-new tactics that can push your site to the top of the rankings in less than a week.Each Tactic Will Take You a Max of 30 Minutes – If Not Less.First, I’ll show you a simple drag-and-drop technique that got me to number one on Google in just four days. Once you put it to work, it could get you an extra 20,000 visitors a month.Second, I’ll show you how to take an enterprise-level strategy and add it to your site. Major Fortune 1000 companies are already using it to get millions of free visitors every month, and I know it can have the same massive impact for you.Third, I’ll show you my absolute favorite site hack. It can literally increase your traffic by 50% just by adding seven characters into your site’s metadata.If You Do These Three Tactics Right, I’m Guaranteeing You Can Double Your Traffic within 5 Days.I’m here to show you what these tactics are. And I’m going to walk you through them step by step during the Double-Your-Traffic event.


This is KILLING Your SEO Strategy (Here’s How to Fix It) [Video]

Your website has to provide users with a high-quality experience, or they will 100% seek out a different website. Here’s how you can optimize your UX so that you can kick your SEO strategy into high gear.00:00 Intro01:13 Tip #1 | Optimize Your Page Speed02:01 Tip #2 | Optimize Your Images02:39 Tip #3 | Make Sure Your Headlines Are Perfect03:12 Tip #4 | Simplify Your Website’s Navigation03:49 Tip #5 | Improve Your Mobile Speed ExperienceRESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________Ubersuggest: you could avoid one SEO mistake, what would it be? Now, there are tons of big no-nos when it comes to SEO. The more obvious red flags that can actually get you penalized include things like keyword stuffing, using a ton of duplicate content, buying backlinks, and things like that. But there’s one major issue I see a ton of newbies make and it’s probably not the one you think, of because when people think of SEO, they think of keywords, backlinks, meta descriptions, and things like that. The thing I see that people look over all the time that’s killing their SEO strategy is not optimizing their UX. See, search engines don’t just evaluate webpages based on the keywords you use or how many backlinks you have. Tip number one, optimize your page speed. 88.5% of visitors leave a website because of slow load time. Just imagine, you pick up your phone, you go to do a Google search, you click on a result, one second, two seconds, three seconds, still not loaded, four seconds, five seconds, six seconds, halfway loaded, seven seconds, eight seconds, nine seconds, fully loaded. That’s a long time. You’re going to leave the site. Make sure your code is clean using a CDN, which is a content delivery network, so that way your website is on servers all over the web. Tip number two, optimize your images and content. Updating and republishing old blog posts with new content and images can increase traffic by as much as 106%. According to HTTP Archive, images make up an average of 21% of a total webpage’s weight, so make sure that you’re compressing the images, not in size, I’m talking about file size, so not in dimensions, but more so file sizes of where you want to compress ’em, and when you update your content, optimize your images, make sure that they’re images on what people are looking for, you’re going to be much better off.Tip number three, make sure your headlines are perfect. 36% of SEO experts said that the headlines were the most important SEO element. David Ogilvy always used to say, “80 cents on the dollar spent on the headline.” So you got to make sure that your headline is amazing, and there’s a lot of stats out there that show this. Eight out of 10 people read a headline, two out of 10 people read the rest of your content. So you got to really focus on the headline and make it catchy. What I like doing is running A/B tests using paid ads with different headlines to figure out what people like the most.Tip number four, simplify your website’s navigation. 84.6% of web designers believe that crowded web design is the most common mistake made by small businesses, and look, simplify your navigation, simplify what’s on a page, remove unnecessary elements, it just makes things easier for people to navigate. If you’re not sure if you’re making things simpler or worse, you can always use analytics tools like Crazy Egg which shows you where people click. You can also survey ’em, and on top of that, if you want to do a lot of user testing, check out which can also give you more feedback.Tip number five, improve your mobile experience. Google recently reported that 60% of searches are completed on your phone. That’s a lot. How’s your mobile experience? Is it amazing, is it bad? Majority of the people that visit your website eventually, if not already, will be from mobile devices. Look at a lot of social networks that you use, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok. Where do you find them? Mobile devices. It’s super important that you optimize your site to be responsive so that way your website can expand if someone has a big desktop computer, a laptop, an iPad, a small mobile phone, or a big mobile phone, a responsive design adapts so that way it fits all these devices. If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: Instagram: #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing


5 Quick Ways to Improve Your SEO Rankings [Video]

SEO is all about the long game, slow and steady wins the race. At our agency, NP Digital, clients stick around with us for years, in our enterprise division, we’re keeping clients for five plus year, that’s a long time. Eventually, we’ll probably start keeping enterprise clients for over seven years, but keep in mind, we’re a newer agency. So even though SEO is a slow and steady game, it works, but do you really have to wait that long to get the results that you want? The answer is no. There are quick ways to get results, maybe not all the results you want, but you can get immediate results. So let’s break down five tactics to get you quicker results. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________Google Search Console: number one, find almost ranking phrases. The more keyword that you rank on page one for, the better off you are, because no one really goes to page two. Majority of the traffic’s on page one, and ideally at the top of page one. Did you know that you can find all the terms that you’re raking somewhat well for, and quickly optimize those, so that way you can just pop up to page one? I want you to log to Google Search Console, click on search results, then click on average position, and then scroll down and click on pages.But when you add those terms within those areas that I just mentioned, your title tags, your content, your URL, it can quickly boost your rankings. Now, keep in mind if you change your URL, you got to do a 301 redirect from your old URL to your new URL, and you got to adjust all your old internal links to make sure they’re going directly to the new URL. Way number two, add a free tool to your website. I added a free tool called Ubersuggest to my website. It increased my backlink count by 24,453 referring domains. The more links you have, the higher you will rank over time. And here’s a cool thing, you can do this same exact thing to your website. You don’t have to build a tool from scratch like me either, you can just add one to your website for 10, or even 15 or $20. All you have to do is go to a site called CodeCanyon where you combine a tool within your industry and just purchase it, and you can just put it on your website. You of course won’t generate as many backlinks that I generated through Ubersuggest because I built a custom tool, but over time, as you’re getting results from using tools let’s say from CodeCanyon, or wherever else you can find them on the web, eventually as it starts getting traction, your rankings increase, you start generating more money, then you can invest the time and resources and money to build your own custom tools. Way number three, add internal links. You publish new content all the time, right? Well if you don’t, you should start doing so, but if your new content doesn’t have backlinks, it won’t rank well. Now links take a while to get, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t get results. One quick hack is to go into your older articles and modify it. Within your older articles, add a few links to your newly published articles. This way, your new content starts ranking higher, faster. As a general rule of thumb, only modify old articles that are related to the new one. You don’t want to add internal links unless it makes sense.Way number four, optimize your meta tags for higher ranking. You don’t have to bill links to rank higher, you can just adjust your meta tags, from your title tag to your meta description, and even as a bonus, optimize your URLs.Way number five, content is king, so write it in half the time. Look, if you can write your content half the time, in theory, you can produce more, maybe double the amount of content, and generate even more traffic. The caveat here is though the quality needs to be great, not up to par, but great, better than up to par. On Ubersuggest, we have an AI writer that helps you write content. It won’t fully write the content for you, but it starts you off and helps you optimize for the right keywords. From there, you can modify it and create a masterpiece in half the time. So head on over to Ubersuggest, go to the lab section, and click on AI writer. From there, put in a keyword that you want your article to be about. For this example, I selected marketing, then select the title that works for you, then select a meta description, then select a few headings, and boom, you’ll have article in seconds. If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: Instagram: #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing


How Do You Improve SEO? The Answer Isn’t What You’d Think [Video]

SEO is one of those things that you know you need to get better at, but it’s also a black box mystery about exactly the best way to accomplish it. In the 6 years I have been on YouTube, I’ve discovered the simplest way to boost your Google discoverability for the category of business that you are in without spending hours creating metadata-rich blog posts, or begging other websites for backlinks. The secret I’ve discovered helps me land on page one of Google searches for hyper-competitive branding and design keywords – and in this short I’m going to share that secret with you.#socialmediamarketing #seo #entrepreneurship #marketing #branding #videomarketing #graphic designSUPPORT MY WORK ON YOUTUBE!•MUSE NEWSLETTER: DESIGN MASTERS Facebook Group DESIGN MASTERS Podcast STRATEGY 101 COURSE PROFESSIONAL COACHING CONSULTING BRAND DESIGN on Facebook: ADOBE CC TRAINING VIDEO COURSESBring Your Own Laptop with Daniel Scott TUBEBUDDY – THE BEST TOOL FOR YOUTUBERS: video is for entrepreneurs, designers, creative professionals and anyone interested in brand strategy, business planning, graphic design, design trend, marketing and communications.Philip VanDusen is the owner of Verhaal Brand Design, a brand strategy and design agency and the founder of Brand Design Masters, an ecosystem of mastermind groups, courses and networking communities for creative professionals and digital entrepreneurs seeking to build bullet-proof personal brands, agencies and businesses. Philip is a highly accomplished creative executive and expert in brand strategy, graphic design, marketing and creative management. Philip gives design, branding, marketing, career and business advice to creative professionals, entrepreneurs and companies on how to build successful brands for themselves or for the clients and customers they serve.


An SEO Tip That Just Works (Especially If You Are a Beginner) [Video]

An SEO tip that just works, especially if you’re a beginner. People say SEO’s hard and complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Even if you are a beginner, you can get tons of traffic to your website through simple strategies. And today I want to start you off with one. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________Quora: off, have you ever heard of the site Quora? It’s a simple question-and-answer site and it’s super popular. So popular, it’s one of the top hundred websites in the world, according to Similarweb. So how do you get that traffic that Quora gets? Well, it’s simple. They just answer questions that people are curious on. These questions are long tail keywords. In other words, they contain many keywords. Best of all, they aren’t competitive. It’s easy to rank for questions because no one is targeting them. So how do you find these question based keywords in your industry? Well, have you heard of a tool called AnswerThePublic? It’s a tool that shows you all the popular questions that people are asking. Head over to AnswerThePublic, type in the keyword related to your space and hit Search. You’ll then get a list of all the questions that are popular within your space. Now, if you want to see their search volume, you can type in any of those questions into Ubersugggest and it’ll tell you how many people search for them on a monthly basis. But before you go and write content on all those keywords, there are a few things that you need to know. First, make each question a unique page, assuming you have enough content to write about. And when I mean enough content, I’m talking about hundreds of words, ideally 300 plus, if you can do even more than that, like 400, 500 a 1,0000, even better. But don’t just add fluff. Second, you need to have an amazing answer. For example, I wouldn’t create a page answering the question of what’s two plus two, because everyone knows it’s four. And if not, they can just Google it. And it’s one word or one letter or one number more. So which is just four, right? There’s not much content to create on that. But if I had a sports website, I may answer the question of what is it like to be Olympian? And my answer would be very detailed. From what it’s like to train, how long it takes to be Olympian. What kind of diets do you have to be on? What is it like to win or even lose? And how do you earn money as Olympian? Right? I don’t see Olympians getting shoe contracts like Michael Jordan. I would even break down how hard it is to be one. And the amount of people that try and like the percentage that you’ll actually have to be Olympian. So that way it gives people a perspective on how hard it is. Third, you want to continually update your answers as things change. Just think of Wikipedia. It is the ninth most popular site in the world. Why? Because they keep their content updated. For reference, most topics there are more pieces of content than searchers. For example, there are 165 searches a month for their term dog food in the United States, yet there are 2.6 billion results. You think all those searchers are going to go through 2.6 billion results? No, Google doesn’t even show them all because they know people don’t really go past the first page. Maybe the second page, rarely the third page, which means search engines have their pickings when it comes to determine what sites to rank. So make it easy for a search engine. Keep your content up to date because they’d rather show updated pieces of content versus ones that are years and outdated. Fourth, promote your content. You don’t have to spend add money to do this. It’s as simple as sharing it on the social web or linking that newly created answer from some other webpage on your website that’s related to it. Fifth, you have to do this with a lot of questions. Now I know this is not what you want to hear but this is how you’re going to do well. There isn’t a specific number of questions that you need to create content around and you can’t really do it with five or even 10 questions because that won’t get you much traffic in the long run. But if you do this with a thousand questions or even a hundred, you’ll notice nice traffic gains, and the more, the better, assuming you can create amazing answers to those questions. If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: Instagram: #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing


5 Underrated SEO Lessons [Video]

Five underrated SEO lessons. I’ve been doing SEO for a very long time. I started when I was 15, I’m 37, that’s 22 years to be exact. And I know there are a lot of stats and data out there about SEO and what works and what doesn’t, but in today’s video, I’m not going to bore you with all that. Instead, I want to share my personal experiences, and I want to tell you what I’ve learned over the years and what you can take from it to do better. Most of these lessons aren’t common and you probably haven’t heard of them before. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________Ubersuggest: number one, updating content frequently is better than building more links. I know you need links to rank. So if you have no links, go out there and build some. We found that if you build less links but you update your content more frequently, you do way better when it comes to a SEO perspective. And when I mean updating, I’m not talking about word or two or image or here and there, I’m talking about adjusting that page to be the best for your users and whatever that takes, better than your competition in other words. So spend more time updating the building links especially if you’re a established website. If you’re a new website, there won’t be much content on your website, you probably don’t have many links, focus on building more links. Lesson number two, shortcuts just aren’t worth it. See, the sites that rank at the top in the long run are the ones that provide the most value, not the ones that cheat their way up to the top. Now I’ve learned a lot from this mistake and others but I had a shortcut mentality when I was young, and if I had to go back in time, I would stop taking shortcuts and I would’ve done what’s best for users, which would’ve been what’s best for my career. Lesson three, it’s easier for brands to rank. One of the things that’s taught me is brand queries go a long way in Google’s eyes and in their algo. The more people searching for your brand, and assuming a high percentage of them click on your result, it tells Google that you have a good, strong brand. And, if your brand is more popular than your competition, it tells Google that people prefer you over the competition. And as your brand queries keep going up, what you’ll find is, your rankings also go up. Once I learned that, I focused more on building a brand. It takes well over five years to build a brand, so you need to be patient, but it helps a lot with SEO. Lesson four, the quickest way to grow your SEO traffic is by going global. A Google employee once told me that the majority of searches on Google aren’t in English. That’s obvious, right? And it was to me at the time, I’m like, “Yeah, the majority of the world doesn’t speak English, what’s new with this.” But what she told me next wasn’t as obvious. She’s like, “Yes, Neil, they don’t speak English, the majority of searches aren’t in English, but Google doesn’t have enough webpages and all these other languages for most topics.” Once that clicked, I was like, “Oh wait, I need to transcribe my content into multiple languages.” So I started doing that and I didn’t say translating, I said transcribe. The reason why is you have to adapt it for the local languages. Now, the United States only makes up 25% or less of my traffic due to international expansion. You should go global if you want more SEO traffic. Lesson five, don’t purely rely on SEO. I used to believe that SEO was the best marketing channel. And because of that, I focused purely on SEO at the beginning. Funny enough, I still prefer SEO over other channels but I don’t think it is the best marketing channel, I don’t think any marketing channel is the best. I now take a different viewpoint. All marketing channels are great as long as you can make them work for you and drive you traffic, brand awareness, leads, and even sales. So I don’t not focus on SEO, but I also don’t purely focus on SEO. I focus on all marketing channels as well as new ones that come up as long as I can make them work. And if any of them get crushed by platforms making an algorithm update, I don’t have to worry because my traffic sources are diversified. If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: Instagram: #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing


Top 5 Favorite SEO Hacks [Video]

Top five favorite SEO hacks. To win, you have to think outside the box. If you just do what everyone else is doing, you won’t win, that is especially true with SEO. Here are my five favorite SEO hacks that are out of the box. RESOURCES & LINKS: one, buy websites. Have you noticed there blogs about everything? Well, as simple strategy for you to get immediate results is to look for a blog in your space. This shouldn’t be hard, as there’s over a billion blogs. Look for one that has good rankings and traffic, you can find out their traffic stats using tools like Ubersuggest. What you’ll want is a blog that ranks really well within your space, has great content, but doesn’t monetize through ads or selling products or services. And then what you want to do is merge that content over to your website, do 301 redirects, put them to the appropriate URLs when you’re doing the 301 redirects, and what you’ll find is you’ll start getting instant rankings and traffic. Hack number two, ranking number one on YouTube with SEO. So YouTube’s algorithm is the opposite of how Google SEO works. If a video does really, really well in the first 24 hours, when it’s released on YouTube, it’s probably going to do well in the long run. So how do you get your videos to do well in the first 24 hours? Not through ads, because that takes too long to get up and running. Usually, by sending out an email blast. So when I release a video, I send out an email blast and even a push notification blast, within the first hour the video goes live, I let everyone know about it, I get tons of views, tons of engagements, and my YouTube views go through the roof, and my rankings shoot up. Hack three, release tools. Have you heard of The site doesn’t look amazing, but it has 6.2 million backlinks. Let me say that again, 6.2 million backlinks. “How?” You may ask, it’s because they have calculators on everything. People love linking to calculators. If you release free tools that people want and they love, you will build links naturally, you won’t even have to send out an email. It works that well. If you can’t create these tools, you can just go to sites CodeCanyon, pop, buy the tools, pop the bubble on your website, and boom, you’re off to the races.Hack number four, respond to blog comments. This one is simple, and you probably are like, “Wait, this isn’t really a hack, Neil.” But let me explain why it’s so valuable and it is a hack. Wikipedia is the seventh most popular site on the web, according to to Similarweb. You know how Wikipedia does so well on Google? They update their content on a regular basis. Another way to also keep your content updated, and I wouldn’t recommend that you not do the first, so you should still try to update your content at least once or twice a year, is you can also use blog comments. And when you use blog comments, what you’ll find is that when people leave comments, and you respond to them, and you leave really thorough comments, people come back and keep leaving more comments. This produces more content and in essence, you’re updating those pages and making more and more valuable for Google, which helps with your rankings. And when you’re leaving comments, don’t just leave a thank you, make sure it’s thoughtful, it’s relevant, and it helps people out. Hack five, use fewer key words, or at least for App Store SEO. So SEO doesn’t just exist on Google, Apple App Store is extremely popular. No matter where you are, if you turn around and you see someone, chances are, someone has an iPhone, which means they also are on the App Store. But if you want to rank in the App Store, you shouldn’t shove tons of keywords in your title, even description. Most people don’t know this, but the fewer keywords that use in your title or description in the App Store, the easier it is to rank for those terms. Just make sure that the keyword you pick or the keywords you pick are super popular. It makes it way easier to rank and get higher rankings, versus going after too many keywords in the App Store, which makes it harder to rank. If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: Instagram: #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing


My Biggest Marketing Win [Video]

My biggest marketing win. If you had to guess, what do you think my biggest marketing win was? Leave a comment with what you think it is. I’ll give you a hint. It involved SCL Social Media, Email Marketing, and even releasing a tool for free on my website. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________Ubersuggest:, it’s not a specific channel. It’s actually leveraging all channels. In essence, my biggest win is using Omnichannel Marketing. See, I saw this from being in the marketing industry for over 20 years. Overtime platforms change. And as they change, sometimes you end up on the winning end, and a lot of times you end up on the losing end. In most cases, you’ll end up on the losing end. So what do you do? You leverage all the channels for what they are. You let them drive your traffic and brand awareness, as much as possible, and as for as long as possible. But the moment their algorithm changed and it doesn’t favor you, of course try to adapt. You won’t always get the results you want and that’s okay. Just leverage them for as long as you humanly possibly can, and keep in mind, something is better than nothing. I know, that’s a cheesy answer on my biggest marketing win. I just focus on all the channels, because I knew over time, and I’ve seen it, no matter what channel you go after, the algorithms over time won’t always favor you. So you have to be prepared for that. Just look at some of the biggest companies Microsoft, Apple, IBM, Accenture, or even Airbnb. None of them generate all their sales human traffic from one channel. They all leverage as many as possible. It doesn’t matter if one channel can’t scale as well as another, or if one channel is as profitable as another channel, as long as you can get traffic and they’re profitable, you keep doing them as long as possible. Take advantage of them. Don’t nitpick. Just be happy that you found this other opportunity that will also provide you with more growth. The more you add into your marketing mix the better off you’ll be. It’s a numbers game. Remember, no one marketing channel builds a company. In today’s day and age, it’s a number game. Now, if you need help expanding your marketing channels, check out my ad agency, NP Digital. If you’re on one or two, or even three marketing channels, that’s your focus? you’re making a big mistake and I’ve been there. And I’ve seen companies get slapped for this, but when you take that omnichannel approach you’re going to be way better off, your business is going to be much more resilient, and you’re going to continually grow over time. If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: Instagram: #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing