
How to Build Trust Through Email Marketing Strategies [Video]

Boost your subscriber list. Get more opens. Drive more email campaign ROI than ever. Learn how in NP Digital + Maropost’s webinar on 11/1 at 8am PST!Want my team of digital marketing professionals to make your email list convert? Click here to get a strategy call: to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: more on my blog:


Countdown to Black Friday: The Most Important Tips to Drive Holiday Success [Video]

Everybody knows Black Friday is the best sales peak opportunity of any given year. But are you prepared to make the most out of this event? Watch the webinar and find out from experts how to set your company up for success.Want my team of digital marketing professionals to optimize your website? Click here to get a strategy call: to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: more on my blog:


10 Simple and Fast Ways to Increase Your Paid Media Profit Margins Now [Video]

Are your paid media ads generating high ROI? Watch our webinar for quality paid media strategies that get results!Want my team of digital marketing professionals to optimize your website? Click here to get a strategy call: to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: more on my blog:


Nail Your Digital Strategy and Website UX for the New Hybrid Shopper [Video]

Modern customers demand convenience. Accelerate your e-commerce experience and convert more leads than ever before with NP Digital + WP Engine’s webinar.Want my team of digital marketing professionals to optimize your website? Click here to get a strategy call: to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: more on my blog:


You NEED to Learn How to Write This Type of Content…. RIGHT NOW!! [Video]

Content marketing is competitive, but there’s a certain type of content that works extremely well. Do you want to know what it is? So what’s the type of content that you need to learn to write? It’s actually long-form content that is data-oriented. I’m not talking about long-form content, I’m talking about long-form content that is data-oriented. And I’ll go into that in-depth in a little bit and I’ll give you some stats before we dive right in. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________Ubersuggest: Scholar: a study conducted by Backlinko found that the average page on Google that ranks on the first page contains 1,447 words. Here’s another interesting fact, websites with above average time on site tend to also rank higher on Google. Typically, if you have more words on your page, you tend to get a better average time on site. Now, according to our own data from, we’re seeing long form content with stats and data generating almost three times more backlinks, which helps our overall sites rankings. Now, when we don’t include data, we’re not getting as many backlinks, which is why I said long form content with data is roughly generating three times roughly more backlinks than content without data. But here’s what’s even more interesting, right? Everyone believes that if you have long form content and you’re generating more backlinks, that you’re just going to get tons of traffic. What most people don’t realize is the long form content that’s super in-depth that has all that stats and data that generates a lot of links, doesn’t always generate a lot of search volume. So if you write long form content with tons of data and stats in there, you’ll get the links, which will cause the rest of your site to rank higher. So how do you write this kind of content? Well, first off you need to research your competitors. You can go into Ubersuggest, you can type in competitor URLs and look at the top pages. This will show you their most popular pages by traffic and backlinks, and even shows you the people who link to those pages. So now you can hit them up, because if someone links to your competitors and you hit them up, the chances are they’ll link to you as well. I also want you to check out your competitors topics. So within Ubersuggest, you can put in your competitor URLs and see all the keywords that they rank for. This will show you the topics that they’re going after. And this will give you ideas, some of the keywords that you should consider going after. And if you take those keywords and put it into the keyword ideas lists within Ubersuggest in that report, it’ll show other related keywords, more long-tail ones that you could potentially go after it and it’ll tell you which ones are easy to rank and hard to rank for, for your website. Now, once you have idea of keywords, I want you to make an outline covering everything that’s relevant to that topic, right? And then I want you to add stats and data and research, even videos and image content. If you can’t find them, go check out places like Google Scholar, where sometimes you can find a lot of interesting stats or data, or you can Google and find them and make sure you link out to those resources where you pull the stats and data from, or you can pay a researcher on Upworker or Fiverr. And when you’re writing content, you want to make sure it delivers the need for the searcher. Remember, Google has this thing called E-A-T, Expertise, Authority, Trust. By showing your expertise, authority, and trust, you’re more likely to rank better, which will then get you more traffic because Google doesn’t want people like me Neil Patel to write articles about cancer. What expert am I? I’m not even a doctor. That could actually be misleading and cause inaccurate information to be ranked on Google and hurt other people in their lives or their health or their money or their wealth. So that way Google wants to rank articles from experts. And by doing this, it also makes you an expert which helps increase your rankings in the long run. If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: Instagram: #Writing #SEO


Quick Hacks to get Paying Customers – Interview with Tai Lopez [Video]

That’s up and coming. The trends are showing that everyone’s Googling this item, which means they’re typically searching it on Amazon as well. That’s e-commerce related. And if you create the product and there’s very little competition. You can make a ton of money. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________Crunchbase: are so many people that don’t know social media and don’t understand it. because most business owners are not young. Right? They’re much older. Especially the ones that are larger in size. So if you go and you go to Indeed and you find all their job postings or Craigslist, you can be emailing back and be like, I know you’re looking for a social media manager and you can make a video, like make a video job application, and I know you’re trying to get them as a client not as a, you don’t want to work for them full-time. You go make a video and be like, Hey so-and-so I know you’re looking for a full-time social media manager and I would apply but you’re doing it all wrong. See, the thing is, I know social media really well and for you to get everything that you’re looking for you need someone to create your content. You need someone to just manage your social media profiles. You need someone to do video. Like you can break down and I’m like, that’s more than just one job. And if you hire someone full-time you’re not going to get the results you’re looking for. I’ve done well on social media. They still have money, and a lot of them still make millions of dollars, but Indeed has a lot of large corporations they’ll just ignore it and be like, no we want a full-time employee. So what Crunchbase, what we are doing is, anytime you’re pitching services, and I know you have a course on social media marketing that teaches people like how to do it, which is great. On Crunchbase, all these businesses, it’s a list of everyone who recently got funding. So Crunchbase announces like people who like, I just raised $10 million. I raised 3 million. I even raised five. You don’t need to go after people who raise a hundred million.So if you hit them up, because they just recently got a check, what do they got to do? Spend it. So I emailed them, the CEOs and the investors, because it lists on Crunchbase, which venture capital fund, right? The people giving money and the partner who led the deal. And their emails are all public because they want more deal flow. You’re getting them to put pressure on the people they just funded. If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: Instagram: #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing