
Small Business Series | Jazzy B’s [Video]

Learn Jazzy B’s best tips to starting a business in today’s economy!This is Small Business Series Ep.2About UsHere at FYPM, we are dedicated to helping you understand common mistakes that hold most people back from: Getting employment, Starting a career and Obtaining their dream job. LET ME HELP YOU | more Career Tips, Join Us on Instagram |*FIRST IMPRESSIONS MATTER*First and foremost, you want to make sure your resume is modern and clean. Do you have your contact information such as email address, phone number, and LinkedIn page? Are your sections clearly defined, and text and page formatting is uniformed and consistent? Did you list all of your qualifications/skills, experience, and education?One of the first things you want to make sure of is that your spelling and grammar are correct. This shows them you are attentive to detail and took the time to make sure you are spelling pertinent industry information correctly and expressing it appropriately using language mechanics.Don’t Leave Any Room For Assumptions | Read More… OPPORTUNITIESEmployers & Vendors | High School-College |’S STAY CONNECTED!Wil JohnsonCEO8343 Roswell Road #435, Roswell, GA, 30350wilfred.johnson@fypmcompany.com | Facebook | #careercoach #career #adviceforyoungpeople