
#1 | Taking 100% Responsibility | Become A Successful Entrepreneur [Video]

I can trace back to the MOMENT when my life started to change. I remember where I was, how I felt, even the sounds around me in the house. It was the moment that I stopped feeling sorry for myself, stopped making excuses and realised, deep in my bones, that ‘if it was to be, it was up to me’. Today I share the No 1 “Secret of Success” in becoming a successful entrepreneur.The video I mentioned in this video, that covers a simple method to help you make good decisions, is to be found here: The video I mentioned about how to make good decisions is here feel free to use the comments to tell me your story and your reaction to this video and also, what you would like me to cover in future videos. I’ve been a self-employed freelancer or business founder for over 25+ years now and whether you are a seasoned business owner or you are new to the world of entrepreneurship, I know I can help because I’ve been there.Equipment I Use Myself & Recommend:* Ring Light –* Thrive Architect (Web Design & Leads Capture) –* Thrive Cart (Secure Payment Gateway) –* Active Campaign (Marketing Automation) – To This Channel Here Nicola In Action Here Out The Clicks & Leads Main Playlist to download your free business marketing resources and find out how I can help you make your business a success online. Copyright @NicolaCairncross 2022


Entrepreneurs Trap #2 | Procrastination [Video]

Do you suffer from crippling procrastination? It can really slow you down as an entrepreneur as you will be constantly questioning yourself. In this short video, I’ll give you some reasons why you might be suffering and share some tools to help beat your procrastination.Do feel free to use the comments to tell me your reactions to this video and also, what you would like me to cover in future videos. I’ve been a self-employed freelancer or business founder for over 25+ years now and whether you are a seasoned business owner or you are new to the world of entrepreneurship, I know I can help because I’ve been there.Equipment I Use Myself & Recommend:* Ring Light –* Blue Yeti Microphone –* Thrive Architect (Web Design & Leads Capture) –* Thrive Cart (Secure Payment Gateway) –* Active Campaign (Marketing Automation) – To This Channel Here Nicola In Action Here Out The Clicks & Leads Main Playlist to download your free business marketing resources and find out how I can help you make your business a success online.Copyright @NicolaCairncross 2022


Making Magic With Podcasts | [Video]

After several hours editing my video into audio, then turning them into podcasts you’d think I’d be sick of it! Not so, as I wax lyrical about doing just that and reminisce about the podcast success of two amazing clients.Do feel free to use the comments to tell me your reactions to this video and also, what you would like me to cover in future videos. Do feel free to use the comments to tell me your reactions to this video and also, what you would like me to cover in future videos. Download my book ‘Attract 3.0’ free and find out how I can help you make your business a success online. you already know you want to work with me, visit to see all your options.Subscribe To This Channel Here…Check Out The Clicks & Leads Main Playlist…Equipment I Use Myself & Recommend:* Ring Light –* Blue Yeti Microphone –* Thrive Architect (Web Design & Lead Capture) –* Thrive Cart (Secure Payment Gateway) –* Active Campaign (Marketing Automation) –…Copyright @NicolaCairncross 2022


Here’s What Facebook and Google Aren’t Telling You About Your Ads [Video]

Marketing has turned into omnichannel approach in which you drive traffic and sales through multiple channels, not just one. And in marketing, they talk about this thing called the rule of seven, which reinforces omnichannel. What the rule of seven is about is when someone hears or sees or interacts with your brand seven times, they’re more likely to convert in a customer, evangelize your brand, love it, tell people about it and that’s why you want to take an omnichannel approach because it’s hard to get in touch with one person through the same channel over and over again. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________Ubersuggest: there’s an issue When you start leveraging multiple channels which one is responsible for the conversions? Is it Google? Is it Facebook? Is it Instagram, Twitter, email? How do you know which channel is producing you the most ROI?Well, there’s the issue which how each of these platforms from Google to Facebook report on conversions. Let’s say someone comes to your website from an organic LinkedIn post, then they subscribe to your newsletter. You then send them a few emails, they click on some of them, come back to your website At this point, they still haven’t bought from you. And then they do a search on Google. They click on your paid ad that’s at the top of Google. They go through, they check out your website, maybe even add some props to the landing page or read your services page, but they still don’t convert. You then see them coming back to your website because they clicked on one of your tweets or bio in on Twitter. And now they come back to your website and they complete their purchase.Do you think Google shows that they caused that conversion from, let’s call it Twitter or do you think it shows that they were responsible for that conversion and it came from their ad? Of course, they show that it comes from their ad. Facebook and pretty much all paid platforms do the same. If someone clicks on one of these paid ads and they don’t convert right away, but then they come back through some other channel, even if they found your website before you did that paid advertising, they’ll tell you that they were responsible for that conversion.There’s nothing wrong with this, but you ideally need to attribute your conversion to multiple channels to figure out what’s accurately driving you revenue and what isn’t. And before I get into how you can do that in Google Analytics, let me break down the common attribution models that you can use.There’s Last Click. This is historically the default that just gives all the credit to the last click before someone converted. Then you have Time Decay. This gives credit based on the time between the interactions. Then you have Linear. This gives equal credit across each step of the conversion path. And then there’s Position-Based. This typically gives credit to specific steps in the conversion path, usually the first and the last one. Then you have First Click All the credit from the first interaction, typically used to drive awareness to your website. And then you have Data-Driven. This uses historical data to determine the attribution credit. This model will shift depending on the unique path.There isn’t one right or even wrong approach to use. I typically use Position-Based myself which typically gives credit to the first touch and the last touch. First touch being how someone first found your website and last touch being on what is the last entry source that they came through before they converted. Sometimes people come to your website the first time and they convert right away and sometimes they don’t.But that’s why I love using this model because it gives me, Hey, what are the main two drivers of the conversion? Now here’s how you adjust your attribution in Google Analytics. First click on admin, then I want you to click on attribution settings. Then click on the model you want to choose. And if you want, you can choose position-based, like me or any other option. Now you’ll get a better idea of what is driving your revenue.Now if you need help with your analytics and more importantly, on how to make better informed decisions from your analytics so you can grow your marketing faster and get a better ROI, check out my ad agency, NP digital where we have a whole data science team that just helps companies with this. If you enjoyed the video, like it, share it, tell people about it and make sure you subscribe. If you have any questions, leave a comment below. I’m here to help you out. If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: Instagram: #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing


This is What Will Happen with Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok Whether You Like it Or Not [Video]

This is what will happen with Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok whether you like it or not. When Snapchat hit the market, it was a great success. So successful that Instagram started to copy some of their features. And it made Instagram even more popular. Snapchat, still today, is a success. But a lot of people have their features. And Instagram has grown into a large corporation now. So much that it’s said that it’s estimated to be worth over $100 billion according to EarthWeb. Now, of course, Instagram’s, you know, owned by Facebook. But still, that’s a large chunk of Facebook’s market cap. Eventually, TikTok came out and people started to do the same with them. They started to copy TikTok’s features. Just look at YouTube Shorts. It’s similar to TikTok. According to Statista, YouTube shorts has over 30 billion, with a B, monthly views. That’s a lot of views. Do you see a pattern here? Everyone is copying each other. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________SurveyMonkey: something is working for your competitors and you aren’t doing it, you are going to lose market share and business. Here’s what I want you to do with your company when someone is out innovating you. First, I want you to look at what they’re doing. What’s causing their growth? Copy it. You can figure out what’s working for them by using tools like Ubersuggest. There’s also a similar web out there as well. And it tells you, “Hey, here’s what your competitor’s doing. Here’s where they’re getting all their traffic. Here’s what’s working. Here’s what’s not.” And you can also survey your audience and figure out what they like about your competition. You can use tools like SurveyMonkey to perform this and it’ll tell you, “Hey, this is overall feedback.” Some people give you random stuff. Some people will give you great feedback. But when you survey, not 10, but 30, 40, 50, 60 people, even 100, you’ll start noticing patterns. And look for the patterns and that’s what you should focus on first. Second, I want you to hire better talent. Not saying that your team isn’t great, but you can always have better talent. Go on LinkedIn and see who works for some of your competitors. Who are they using that’s outshining you, right? Look at the competitors that are growing faster than you, have those amazing features or products that you don’t have. They must have some amazing talent. You just got to go find them. So go on LinkedIn, look at their employees. Look at what business units that they’re in charge of, the products or the services that you’re trying to copy. Look to see their work history. If they have continually gotten promotions and they stay at companies for a while, those are good people.Third, start experimenting. Copying your competition is one thing. But if you really want to win, you have to one up them. The one way to beat them is to start experimenting. There’s no guarantee that something works the way you want. And sometimes when you think something won’t work out, in many cases it does. That’s why you want to run at least one experiment a month, and ideally, one a week. Over time, you’ll learn how to create a better product or service, and even win over your competition. And when you’re running these experiments, don’t get demotivated from the failures. Just keep in mind the more you fail, eventually you’ll go down a path that leads you down the right way and helps you win. Now, I know with this strategy you probably don’t like hearing that “Hey, if your competition’s doing something you’re not doing, you got to start learning how to copy, execute faster, or one up then by making whatever you copy better than them.” But it’s the reality. If you say, “Hey, I’m not interested in copying my competitor’s products or features,” like how Google may try or Apple or Facebook may try. You think Apple’s Cloud storage was new? Dropbox was doing amazing job, but Apple came out. They got iCloud, started eating into their market cap. And when I say copy, it doesn’t mean it has to be pixel for pixel copycat of what they’re doing. It’s idea. It’s a strategy. You need to figure out how it can tie into your business, how it can fit with your customers, and how you need to mold that product or service or strategy or feature to fit your audience. And that may not look identical to your competition. That’s what I mean by copy. If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: Instagram: #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing


My 7 Favorite Social Media Tools (That Are Free) [Video]

My seven favorite social media tools that are free. Do you know what the second, third, fourth and fifth most popular website have in common in this world? Let me give you a hint. It’s YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. What they all have in common is they’re all social websites. Social media is popular. So, how can you leverage it to get more traffic to your website? Sure, you can hire people to help you out but you may not have that option because it costs money. On the flip side, there are a lot of free tools that you can use that can help you out. And if you leverage them, you’ll get more social media traffic. Here are seven free social media tools that you have to check out.RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________Social Blade: Topics: number one, Social Blade. Social Blade is a free analytics tool. Type in anyone’s username and you can see their social stats for any of their social profiles. Here’s my social stats for YouTube. The reason I like Social Blade is you can see the daily subscriber growth. When you see a pop, look for the content that was posted on that date. It’ll give you insights into the type of content people love that your competition is posting on.Tool number 2, ManyChat. With social media, you never know what the algorithms are going to do. It’s tough to continue to get traffic from these social sites. Using tools like ManyChat, you can keep communicating with your subscribers, especially through Facebook messenger, Instagram direct messages and SMS.Tool number 3, Hootsuite. There are tons of social platforms out there, and it’s hard to keep up with all of them. Using Hootsuite, you can easily post to all the social platforms using that one simple tool. Their free plan allows you to easily manage two platforms and sadly, you got to pay when you want to manage more. This way you can consistently post on all the main social platforms that you’re trying to leverage.Tool 4, Exploding Topics. If you haven’t checked out Exploding Topics, make sure you do so. It’s a tool by my friend, Brian Dean. It allows you to see what’s exploding on the web right now, especially on the social web. If you create content around those topics, you’ll find others are interested in it and you’ll gain more likes and even more followers. But be careful, as you need to make sure that the content you create around these exploding topics needs to be relevant to your overall social profiles.Tool 5, MailChimp. You’re probably wondering how the heck is an email tool like MailChimp related to social media. Well, have you ever heard this saying that the money’s in the list. When you have all these social followers on social media, you need them to join your list. And the easy way to do so is to get them to opt into your email list. So by using tools like MailChimp, you’ll be able to more likely stay in touch with your audience. This is important because social algorithms keep changing and it’s hard and harder to make sure that your followers see your content.Tool 6, Linktree. Have you noticed that it isn’t easy to monetize your social following? A lot of that is because you can’t really promote all your products and services. But by using Linktree, you can have one link that you push them to from your social bios, from these platforms and they can pick the services and the offerings that you have and pick which one’s right for them. It’s a great way to let your followers pick their own journey and figure out, where and how you want to engage with them.Tool 7, Canva. Social media is visual. People want to engage with beautiful content that is readable and ideally unique. Through Canva, you can create tones of social content on almost anything. From adjusting images to even video, to even creating, let’s say carousel that you would post on, let’s say Instagram, Canva can literally do almost anything and best of all, it’s free. heck! You can even use it to create infographics. If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: Instagram: #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing


2022 Real Estate Marketing Plan – Our Four Step Approach For More Deals In A Changing Market [Video]

2022 Real Estate Marketing Plan – Our Four Step Approach For More Deals In A Changing MarketSee our real estate lead conversion results after 50,000+ leads! FREE Facebook Marketing Masterclass:👉 Looking for a better real estate marketing plan for 2022? This video is the perfect answer. Inside, we share our four step approach of how to maximize your results in a changing real estate market. This is a point in time where you can get more market share when everyone else is pulling back their marketing efforts. Prioritize your marketing into these four areas and watch your results soar. #realestatemarketing #marketingplan #realtormarketing ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✅ Our Done For You Marketing Services Complete Real Estate Marketing System (We Generate Leads, Set Appointments, And Market To Your SOI) 👉 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✅ Our Online Courses Facebook Buyer Leads Bootcamp (How To Create A Constant Flow Of Facebook Leads) 👉 Revolutionary Agent Program (Our Master’s Course On Facebook Marketing) 👉 Quick Start Guide To Your Best Year Ever (How To Create A Compelling Marketing Message That Turns Into A Lead Generation Machine) 👉 Sphere Of Influence Marketing Bootcamp (How To Turn Your Relationships Into A Constant Flow Of Business) 👉 Top Agent Marketing System (Offline Marketing Strategies To Dominate Your Local Market) 👉 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎥 TOP VIDEOS FROM MY CHANNEL Facebook Custom Audience From Customer List 👉 How To Fix Negative Experience Ads 👉 Canva Tutorial 👉 How To Get Seller Leads 👉 Setting Up A Homebuyer Seminar On Facebook 👉 Geographical Farming On Facebook 👉 Kevin Smullin 2Q Lead Generation Strategies


👉 M Powered Marketing Solutions – Software Reviews, Demos, Offers and Special Promotions [Video]

👉👉👉 REVIEWS OF SOFTWARE WE USE TO GROW OUR BUSINESS AND MAKE AVAILABLE FOR YOU!Thank you for checking out our M-powered Marketing Solutions video today. In this M-Powered Marketing Solutions review video, we will be going over what you can expect to be inside our services. Here in this channel we will be reviewing all the software that we use to build and grow our business. Small business automation tools that will save you time and (of course) money.We started this channel with a review of two of the products that we use. Friend Connector Pro as well as Cash Stackers Marketing Solutions CRM. We have been using them for over a year and, at this point we would not want to be without them. We have some specials and bonuses that are running right now.We will be doing a video that will cover our Crazy Offer. This is a software bundle that has 14 different pieces of software all at a greatly reduced price. (for now) You can find out more about the Crazy offer here: feel free to reach out and ask any questions you may have! Affiliate disclaimer: In accordance with the FTC guidelines we are required to inform you that some of the links within this publication or websites linked from it may be affiliate links. When you click on any of the links provided above I may receive a small commission for recommending the item on the other end of the link. All products that I recommend, I do so on my own behalf without prompting from any manufacturer, company or retailer. If I recommend a product it is because I believe in what that product can do or be. All videos and content where recommendations are posted are for educational purposes only. You must do your due diligence and research when investing in a product for yourself or spending any type of capital.


Facebook Marketing Course – HubSpot Academy [Video]

Sign up for the FREE Facebook Marketing Course: course includes everything you need to know to improve and optimize your paid and organic Facebook marketing efforts. This course is meant for marketers looking for actionable and impactful ways to use this popular social network to grow their business.Who is this for?Social Media MarketersMarketing ManagersDirectorsWhat you’ll learn:Learn what it takes to craft a stellar Facebook organic and paid marketing strategy.Grow your organic Facebook reachCourse Details:• 5 lessons• 8 videos• 4 quizzes• 48 minutesAbout HubSpot: HubSpot is a leading CRM platform that provides education, software, and support to help businesses grow better. The platform includes marketing, sales, service, and website management products that start free and scale to meet our customers’ needs at any stage of growth. Today, thousands of customers around the world use HubSpot’s powerful and easy-to-use tools and integrations to attract, engage, and delight customers.⚠ Disclaimer:The videos on our YouTube channel are for informational purposes only, and are not intended as an endorsement for any of the products or services that we feature.#HubSpot #Facebook


How To Use Facebook Business Suite App | Free All-In-One Social Media Management App [Video]

The Meta Business Suite (formally known as the Facebook Business Suite) is a free all-in-one social media management tool for business.Today, I dive into a Facebook business suite tutorial for beginners and share how you can set up and use the business suite app on your phone.The business suite allows you to simply create, manage and schedule content as well as manage messages across both your Instagram business account and Facebook business page.Check out the video resources down below that we mentioned in this video: How to create an Instagram business account: How to create a Facebook business page: How to connect Facebook and Instagram: we navigate through the below chapters for this Facebook Business Suite tutorial for beginners:0:00 Intro01:19 Getting started03:20 Instagram access04:19 Create post05:28 Messages06:57 Comments07:10 Recent posts07:43 Manage accounts08:00 Notifications08:15 Manage posts stories08:29 Create posts type08:48 Inbox (messages)09:07 Additional actions09:40 Outro Are you interested in joining our small business community?Join us to receive actionable tips, tutorials and tools to grow your small business online (Subscribe to our email list) or join our exclusive community here: me know if you found this Meta Business Suite tutorial helpful. Also, if you require any help or support, make sure to get in touch with us today.Thanks for watching and enjoy!#businesssuite #meta #facebookbusiness


Top 5 Facebook Ad Tips for Better ROI [Video]

Facebook is constantly changing, which means your old advertising strategies may no longer be as effective as they used to be. Don’t worry because, in this video, we’re giving you our top 5 ad tips for 2022 to keep your Facebook ads profitable.Subscribe:[Most Popular Uploads]:➡ How to Increase Facebook Engagement in 2022:➡ Marketing for Small Business: Effective Marketing Strategies for 2022:➡ Facebook Marketing: A Complete Video Guide for 2022:➡ The Ultimate Guide To Facebook Marketplace in 2022 (w/ Tips): Are Some Facebook Ad Tips That You Should Try!Facebook advertising is always updating and changing, and this year is no different. Especially with all of the iOS updates and targeting restrictions we saw happen last year. So in this post, we’re giving you our top 5 Facebook ad tips for 2022 to keep your ads profitable and your business growing.Let’s get started!Video OutlineIntro (0:00)Rethink Your Facebook Advertising Funnel (0:48)Try Running More Engagement Ads (2:15)Use Video In Everything (5:17)Use Reels And Story Ads (6:24)Test Out Some New Targeting Options (8:28)Videos MentionedHow To Do Facebook Lead Ads: Up Shops On Facebook & Instagram: Is A Marketing Funnel:–c&list=PL-DAplYj3NS9Iqw5FHIYzfXlN2SSrSHzd&index=12How To Make A Facebook Ad Funnel: To Get More Facebook Video Views: To Design Short Facebook Video Ads: To Create Instagram Story Ads: To Use Instagram Reels Ads For Beginners: LYFE Marketing ➡ Check out our Social Media Advertising Course:➡ We’re LYFE Marketing, a full-time digital marketing agency for small businesses. We help people grow online through various marketing channels. We help you de-code if advertising is the right fit for your growth trajectory, or see if organic growth is more of your speed. Regardless, our goal is to build a massive portfolio of success stories. So one day, we can look back and say that we made a difference in the world. This channel will provide you with good tips and suggestions for a large range of marketing topics. And we’re not holding back. But if you want a tailored strategy, then don’t hesitate to contact us on our website:


Everything You Need to Know About the New Facebook Business Suite [Video]

Have you noticed all the changes to Facebook Business Suite? In this video, we are going over the new layout of Facebook Business Suite and the difference between Facebook Business Suite and Business Manager.Subscribe:[Most Popular Uploads]:➡ How to Increase Facebook Engagement in 2022:➡ Marketing for Small Business: Effective Marketing Strategies for 2022:➡ Facebook Marketing: A Complete Video Guide for 2022:➡ The Ultimate Guide To Facebook Marketplace in 2022 (w/ Tips): your business on social media is never easy, but it’s made even more difficult by the ever-changing landscape of Facebook advertising.Facebook has been rolling out the Business Suite, but as Facebook rolls out Business Suite and moves away from Business Manager……we’re noticing some of our client’s accounts are defaulting to Business Suite and some aren’t.So today, we’re going to cover the differences between Business Suite and Business Manager.As well as what has changed and what’s coming. Let’s dive in! Video OutlineIntro (0:00)What Is The Business Suite (0:45)What Is The Business Manager (1:03)Business Suite Is Your New Homebase (2:58)My Favorite Things About Business Suite (4:55)Organic Posting Features (6:18)Work Accounts (7:08)// LYFE Marketing ➡ Check out our Social Media Advertising Course:➡ We’re LYFE Marketing, a full-time digital marketing agency for small businesses. We help people grow online through various marketing channels. We help you de-code if advertising is the right fit for your growth trajectory, or see if organic growth is more of your speed. Regardless, our goal is to build a massive portfolio of success stories. So one day, we can look back and say that we made a difference in the world. This channel will provide you with good tips and suggestions for a large range of marketing topics. And we’re not holding back. But if you want a tailored strategy, then don’t hesitate to contact us on our website: