Coaches + Trainers

Ep #517: Doing It Alone with Alessia Tenebruso [Video]

For many people, especially women, the idea of spending time alone brings up uncomfortable feelings. However, as my guest Alessia Tenebruso shares, the benefits of exploring yourself through alone time far outweigh the discomfort. If you’re curious about traveling alone, even if it’s just to your local hotel for a night, this episode is a must-listen. Alessia shares why the idea of solo travel is so intimidating, how to deal with the discomfort, and all the benefits you’ll experience when you do this for yourself. Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here: Experience a day of transformation and growth with Brooke at the live Coachathon, where you’ll witness the power of coaching to change lives—including yours. Register for the Coachathon on April 2, 2024 in beautiful Miami, FL: Ready for even more exciting life and career expansion in Miami…? Join the last ever in-person Coach Certification, led by Brooke herself, April 4-8, 2024. Experience the unparalleled connection and mentorship that comes from learning directly from Brooke in a small intimate setting. Apply for Coach Certification Practicum here:

Coaches + Trainers

Setting Healthy Boundaries With Clients [Video]

Setting boundaries is like laying down the foundation for your coaching journey. Here’s why boundaries matter and how they impact you and your clients.Often, we neglect boundaries for fear of losing clients or income, but this only leads to burnout and ineffective coaching. By prioritizing healthy limits, we safeguard our mental well-being and set a powerful example for our clients.How do you set boundaries with your clients? Share your best advice in the comments below!#shorts #coaching #settingboundaries

Coaches + Trainers

The key to meaningful relationships [Video]

Ever wondered what people truly want? The answer lies in the basic human need: to be seen, heard, and understood.But here’s the catch: when we judge others, we create separation. We’re spiritual beings, interconnected with the universe, devoid of separateness.In relationships, constantly seeking out differences can breed disconnection. Instead, let’s shift our focus to assimilation and connection. Because when we embrace what unites us, we strengthen our bonds.Do you agree? Share your thoughts below!#shorts #relationshipcoaching #relationshipadvice

Coaches + Trainers

Your words become your reality [Video]

Ever noticed how your outlook shapes your experiences?It’s all about the narratives we create in our minds and the language we use. Whether you see obstacles or opportunities, it all comes down to the pictures you paint in your mind and the words you speak. You have the power to rewrite those narratives.Choose to focus on the positive, and watch how your life transforms.#shorts #selfcoaching #manifestation

Coaches + Trainers

I struggled transitioning from a job to full-time coaching, until this happened… [Video]

New coach Aarti was having a hard time transitioning from a 9-to-5 job to becoming a full-time coach until this simple shift completely changed the way she showed up and started enrolling clients into her new business.Watch Aarti share her powerful story and how you, too, can thrive as a full-time coach even if you’re brand-new in the industry.Follow Aarti’s footsteps and step into an extraordinary life of impact as a highly skilled and sought-after Mindvalley Certified Life Coach. Sign up for our Free Masterclass to learn more 👉 Thank you for watching the Mindvalley Coach YouTube channel.Don’t forget to subscribe to get notified every week when new videos are released.#coaching #certifiedcoach #lifecoaching

Coaches + Trainers

2 ways to change your identity [Video]

Ever tried changing your habits and felt like you were stuck in a loop? Don’t worry, you’re not alone!Our actions shape our identity, but sometimes, despite our best intentions, we find ourselves reverting to old habits. This cycle can feel frustrating and demotivating, but there’s a silver lining: every action we take provides valuable feedback about our emotional state and thought patterns.This self-awareness empowers us to make intentional choices that align with our desired identity. It’s not about perfection, but rather progress and self-discovery.So, the next time you catch yourself slipping back into old habits, pause, reflect, and choose a different path. With each conscious decision, you’re rewriting your story and shaping a new identity reflecting your aspirations.#shorts #identity #coaching

Coaches + Trainers

Ep #516: Business Emotions [Video]

One of the best ways to build emotional strength is through entrepreneurship. You start doubting your doubt. You develop the courage to do hard things. And it all starts with feeling your feelings on your entrepreneurial journey. Listen in this week to hear the four most important negative business emotions to feel and the four most important positive business emotions to generate. Once you can master these emotions, your level of self-love, emotional strength, AND business success will amaze you. Tune in to find out how. Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here: Experience a day of transformation and growth with Brooke at the live Coachathon, where you’ll witness the power of coaching to change lives—including yours. Register for the Coachathon on April 2, 2024 in beautiful Miami, FL: Ready for even more exciting life and career expansion in Miami…? Join the last ever in-person Coach Certification, led by Brooke herself, April 4-8, 2024. Experience the unparalleled connection and mentorship that comes from learning directly from Brooke in a small intimate setting. Apply for Coach Certification Practicum here:

Coaches + Trainers

Don’t Wait To Feel Motivated [Video]

Feeling stuck and struggling to take action? You’re not alone. It’s not about knowing what to do; it’s about doing what you know you should.Here’s the key: Merge your current self with your future self. When you align these two, every decision you make will propel you toward your desired future, not keep you stuck in the present.There is no need to wait for motivation because it might never show up. You can’t rely on the whims of motivation to get things done. Don’t plan to start “tomorrow.”Instead, find deep inspiration in the person you aspire to become. Let that inspiration drive you to take action today!#shorts #selfcoaching #motivation

Coaches + Trainers

Join Brooke Live in Miami: An Invitation to Coachathon & Our Final Coach Certification [Video]

Experience a day of transformation and growth with Brooke at the live Coachathon, where you’ll witness the power of coaching to change lives—including yours. Whether you’re on the mic or in the audience, prepare for insights that will redefine your purpose, boost your income, and harness your brain’s full potential. Register for the Coachathon on April 2nd in beautiful Miami, FL: Ready for even more exciting life and career expansion in Miami…? Dive deeper and take your evolution to the next level with our Coach Certification Training. Join the last ever in-person Coach Certification, led by Brooke herself. Experience the unparalleled connection and mentorship that comes from learning directly from Brooke in a small intimate setting. This isn’t just about becoming a confident coach; it’s about undergoing a total life transformation. It will be an unforgettable journey of growth, joy, and clarity. Apply for Coach Certification Practicum here:

Coaches + Trainers

How To Release Unresolved Fear [Video]

Ever feel like you’re running in circles, chasing after society’s idea of success? It’s a common struggle, fueled by the fear of falling short and the pressure to conform. But here’s the truth: genuine success isn’t measured by external standards. It’s about accepting who you are, exploring your inner landscape, and breaking free from the comparison cycle.Take a moment to reflect: Are your actions aligned with your true values and aspirations? Share your thoughts below!#shorts #overcomingfear #selfcoaching