
Brand Purpose Is Useless As Marketing [Video]

Why brand purpose is useless as marketing.Brand purpose existed before marketers ruined it,Business owners would look at the reason they existed beyond money.They’d connect with that reason and use it as a guide to make internal decisions with clarity and conviction to act as a driving force to their business.So don’t use purpose as marketingCreated as an internal compass to guide decisions.Want more brand strategy, get to follow.#shorts #brandpurpose #brandstrategypurpose #brandstrategy #brandingpurpose #startwithwhy —————-✅ FREE BRAND STRATEGY RESOURCES ✅——————–✅ BECOME A BRAND STRATEGISTOur flagship training “Brand Master Secrets” – Everything you need to become an in-demand brand strategist, raise your expert profile and grow your branding revenue and business.✅ FACILITATE BRAND STRATEGY WORKSHOPS LIKE A PROLearn the techniques, systems and delivery tools to develop brands WITH your clients, to build brands they believe in and are invested in.✅ INSIDE BRAND MASTER SECRETS✅ BRAND MASTER ACADEMYThe brand strategist training ground————— ✴️ LEARN FROM OTHER STRATEGISTS IN THE COMMUNITY ✴️ ——————–✴️✴️ BRAND MASTER ACADEMY ON SOCIALInstagram – – – – –✴️✴️ JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY in the conversation with other experienced and budding brand strategists to enhance your brand-building systems.✴️✴️ EXCLUSIVE TIPS & TECHNIQUES on the list for exclusive brand strategy tips and techniques—————- 🎧 LISTEN TO THE PODCAST 🎧 ——————–🎧🎧 LISTEN TO THE BRAND MASTER PODCAST—————-🙏 SUPPORT THE CHANNEL 🙏——————–AFFILIATE LINKSSupport Brand Master Academy by purchasing through our affiliate links.We get a small commission with no extra cost to you.🙏🙏 AMAZON |🙏🙏 DESIGN CUTS |🙏🙏 EPIDEMIC SOUND |🙏🙏 WEBFLOW |🙏🙏 CONVERTKIT |🙏🙏 AWEBER |


How to Create a Brand from scratch [Video]

Building a brand is hard. Branding is not just about pretty colours, logos and websites – there’s so much more.Here are your 6 key steps to build a new brand from scratch!Also includes some examples of excellent branding from some key businesses.Enjoy!—-A few years ago i started a business that’s been growing like wild! I’m here to share everything i’ve learned along the way so you can grow yours too. Everything from marketing, sales, branding, setting up websites and more – I’ve got you!Trust me, if you’re thinking about starting your own business, watch this video!If you wanna say thank you, feel free to buy me a coffee: