Making more money is a great way to safeguard yourself from an ever looming recession!
But what if you’re already strapped for cash?
It’s a common misconception that you need a ton of money to start a business…
And absolutely- if you’re starting a restaurant, a gym, a hotel- or any other business that requires you to have real estate or inventory right off the bat.
But you don’t need a ton of money to start a coaching, consulting, copywriting, or an online marketing business.
Here’s your low cost guide to get started:
1. You’ll need a computer- and if you don’t have a personal one, and you can’t use your computer from work for your side hustle- then you can get a refurbished computer for cheap from Back Market dot com.
I’m cheap when it comes to technology- so I’ve gotten my last few computers from them.
2. You actually don’t need a website… not when you first start out. Set up a social media account where people can discover you- and have a booking link in your bio.
invest in a website after you’ve made some money doing this and have your niche nailed down
3. You’ll need a booking link! Which is just a way for new clients to book on your calendar- I prefer Acuity- but you can also use something like calendly. $15-$25/mo
4. An email address- free to $250 a year for a custom one.
5. Zoom account $15/month
6. A phone- which I assume you have unless you live in a cave and forage for all your own food- and even then you’d be best served by an iphone to help you ID poisonous mushrooms.
7. LLC setup ~$300
8. Credit card processor- square or stripe are great- and they’re $0 to set up- you just pay 2.9% for processing for each payment you receive.
9. Hire Katie to be your business coach! Just kidding- I’m not cheap, but I get my clients results- and if you’re serious about making $10,000+ a month from this business- then I highly recommend booking a call with me… (DM me for the link)
In summation… You don’t need an expensive email marketing platform, or quickbooks, or any other expensive mishagosh till you get a bit bigger. Save your pennies!
Now, stop being a weenie and start your business already!
#budget #smallbusiness #startabusiness #coaching #stop